(World-Wide Web Who What Where)

Essex Alumni - Where Are They Now?

Well, in most cases, I don't know. Here's a searchable list of the ones I do know (either fill in a suitable search string: surname, subject, etc) and click on the "Search" button, or scroll through the list).

The Information given is: name (if anchored, clicking on it will bring up the person's homepage); subject; year of graduation, or last year of attendance for non-graduates; email address (anchored: clicking will bring up mailto). There may also be a brief message from the person.

There is a Connections Book in which you may read and/or write messages and comments for other Essex Alumni.

If you are, or know of, an Essex Alumnus not on this list, please send me (use this form if your browser allows it, or send email to alan@essex.ac.uk) the name, subject, year, URL and email address, and I'll add an entry to the list.

  1. Annette O. Abanulo Law 1996 abanab@essex.ac.uk
    Didn't get enough of Essex, so in 1997, i returned for three MORE years of study - -Someone please help lest i do it again!!
  2. Anoma Abhayaratne PhD Economics 1998 anoma@arts.pdn.ac.lk
    Senior Lecturer, Dept of Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  3. Vicente Aboites PhD Physics 1985 aboit@foton.cio.mx
  4. Kamsul Abraha theoretical physics 1995 kamsul@uad.ac.id
    What an unspeakable moment at Essex in Colchester !!!
  5. Chris Adams MA Economics 1993 chrisandjill@adams145.freeserve.co.uk
    Now working for Royal Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh.
  6. Julie Adams American Studies 1992 jaa195@soton.ac.uk
    Still chasing men - now at Southampton Uni.
  7. Tim Addison Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1982 Tim_Addison@compuserve.com
  8. Tayo Adebo BA in Accounting and Financial Management 1995 Tayo.Adebo@ey.com
    Currently living in the States
  9. Adetola Bamidele Adesida Biological and Medicinal Chemistry BSc (1993) MSc (1994/5) A.Adesida@stud.man.ac.uk
    Known as ADE. Now, PhD student at the Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
  10. Terence D. Agbeyegbe B.A Math. Econ. Ph. D. Economics 1978, 1983 tagbeyeg@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu
  11. Agrogiannis Yiannis MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1996 IAgr@eurocom.gr
  12. Ms. Humma Ahmad Linguistics & Literature 1980 hummaa@hotmail.com
    was Humma Jang briefly.
  13. Junaidah Hanim Ahmad MA Accounting & Financial Mangement 1998 jhahmad@hotmail.com
    Lecturer, University Utara Malaysia, School of Accounting
  14. Rana Ahamed BSc Mathematics and Computer Science 1994 ahmedr@BT.com
    BT, Integration Manager, Croydon
  15. Imran Ahmed BSc Electronic Engineering 1979 hasan@asia.lhr.erum.com.pk
  16. Faical Aissaoui Electronic engineering 1982 faical@faical.freeserve.co.uk
    I'd like to hear from old freinds
  17. Ozlem Akdogan BA Accounting & Financial Management 1996 oakdn@superonline.com
    Credit Marketing Director, Foreign Trade Bank, Istanbul
  18. Khalid Al-Saleh What Ive been upto!!! 1997 killo@emirates.net.ae
    I am currently working for Andersen Consulting in the UAE.
  19. Konstantinos Alexandridis BEng Electrical Systems Engineering 1996 dale@intranet.gr
  20. Barry Alford Computing Science 1975 barry.alford@bull.co.uk
    Tawney 3 1970 - Oooo what a night! Are the waterbombs still falling? (courtsey of Lord Raleigh)
  21. Mark Alhadeff Philosophy 1984 MPAMedia@AOL.com
  22. Anfor Ali Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 alia01@bh.bbc.co.uk
  23. Azman Ali physics 1997 aliazt@essex.co.uk
    Now studing MSc in Laser communications
  24. Sue Ali chemistry 1991 stsali@peers.oxon.sch.uk
    been working in oxford for 5years as a science teacher
  25. Yassir Eltigani Ali MSc Computer Studies 1999 yeali@hotmail.com
    Lecturer at Ahfad University, P.O Box 167, Omdurman , Sudan
  26. Nasrun bin Alias Linguistics 1994 nursan@pkrisc.cc.ukm.my
  27. Graham Allan Sociology 1970 gaa1@socsci.soton.ac.uk
  28. Martin Allard Computer Science 1978 mea@mallard.org
    Now building community radio stations in obscure countries.
  29. Julie Allport BSC Env. Biol; MSC Comp Studies 92 allportj@logica.com
    Like to hear from Biology 91 and MSC computer Science 92
  30. Jon Almond MSc Computer Studies 1996 unusualc@hotmail.com
    Now in MIS
  31. Neil Alphonso IBST 1993 nsa38@hotmail.com
    Management trainee program. President Greg-Soc. Mr Megabash Man!
  32. http://alshino.i.amAbdulmonem Alshino 1999 am_alshino@hotmail.com
  33. Pavlos Altinis MA West European Politics 1983 altinisp@spark.net.gr
  34. José Álvarez Ph D in Language and Linguistics 1985 jalvar@luz.ve
    Currently doing research on Indian languages of Venezuela
  35. Peter Ambidge chemistry 1975 isis@theseed.net
  36. Kiran Amin Mathematics 1970 kmsamin@juno.com
    Alive and well in Phoenix, USA
  37. David Anderberg law-erasmus 1995 david.anderberg@lindahl.se
    Currently working for a Swedish law firm in Stockholm
  38. Darren Anderson Computer Science 1987 darren@ddan.demon.co.uk
    Studied 2 years then dropped out. Now working for Bosch in I.T. Contact details as they were all those years ago but you can also reach me on e-mail :)
  39. Kit Anderson American Studies 1998 kit@dimensiongroup.co.uk
  40. Ole T. Andersen MA Government 1989 ole.andersen@ping.be
    Currently living and working in Brussels. Wish to get in touch with other Government MA's from 1988/89.
  41. Neil Anderson Government 1989 unrealneil@hotmail.com
    Have been living in Hong Kong, now in the Met Police, would love to hear from old friends by e-mail
  42. Susan Anderson Government 1970 susanr@essex.ac.uk
  43. Avgi Andosidou MA Critical and Cultural Studies 1997 avgi@komvos.edu.gr
  44. Bertsch Andreas LLM in International Trade Law 1997 a.bertsch@gmx.net
    Lawyer at Nobel & Hug, Rechtsanwälte, Zürich, Switzerland
  45. James Andrews Biology PhD 1995 jamesa@netway.com
    Currently living in Salem, MA
  46. Honghuat Ang Electronics Engineering 1980 HONGHUAT.ANG@KOMAG.COM
  47. Kyriacos Antoniades MSc Telecommunication and Information Systems 1992 kyriacos.a@cytanet.com.cy
  48. George Antzoulatos MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 george.antzoulatos@etg.ericsson.se
  49. Barney (Shabana) Anwar IBST 1998 barney_bee@hotmail.com
  50. Antonis Apostolidis BSc Computer Studies 1985 ANTONISA@ACROPOLIS.NET
    Sales Manager, Intel GREECE
  51. Eugenio J G de Aragao LLM Int'l Human Rights Law 1994 dearev@abordo.com.br
    Hi people... I'm still alive and miss you all a lot
  52. Louise L Armstrong Sociology 1996 louise@macassar.globalnet.co.uk
    Would love to hear from anyone who was at the University between 1992-1996
  53. Foussat Arnaud MSc Lasers Telecommunications 1996 foussata@essex.ac.uk
    Greetings to all my classmates! Hope hearing from them...
  54. Geoff Arnold Computer science 1972 geoff@east.Sun.COM
    I've been in the US since 1981; I do networking technologies for Sun Microsystems in Chelmsford, Mass.
  55. Tim Arnold Government 1994 pod06@keele.ac.uk
  56. Francisco Javier Arregui MA Political Behaviour/Government 1998 jarregui@sociol.es
    Researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones Socologicas, Madrid, Spain
  57. Alexander Arthur BSc Information Business Systems Technology 1994 arthur@gtsgral.de
  58. Mohamed Ashkar PhD Mathematics 1990 ashkar@sci.uob.bh
    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Bahrain
  59. Gareth Ashley Law 1991 gareth@gareth.co.uk
  60. Michael Ashmore IBST 1994 mashmore@staffware.com
  61. Mark Andrew Ashton BSc Computer Science 1997 maashton@bigfoot.com
    Software Engineer, Racal-Thorn Defence, Crawley W Sussex
  62. Antonio Astiazaran M.A. Political Theory 1996 antonioz@son1.telmex.net.mx
    I am now working for the State Governor in Sonora, Mexico
  63. Colin Atkins ma contemporary japan 1996 cmatkins@hotmail.com
    dept. manager at senmon gakko in tokyo, planning move to uk/argentina in '99
  64. Stephanos Athanassiou MSc Computer Studies 1998 satha@usa.net, AthanassiouS@unisys.gr
    Systems Support Engineer, Unisys, Hellas, Greece
  65. Naguib Fahim Attia Computer Science Ph.D1985 nfattia@uncc.edu
    Currently Associate professor of computer science, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC 28216, USA
  66. Larissa Aurnhammer LL.M. European Community Law 1998 larissaaurnhammer@yahoo.de
  67. Aladdin Ayesh MSc. Computer Science (AI) 1995 cmsaayes@rimmer.cms.livjm.ac.uk
    I would like to get in touch with all my friends during the years 1994-1995 in Essex. Spcially Eric, Natasha, Maria-Louisa, Vladi-Slava, Ramona, Simon, and all the others.
  68. David Ayliffe Electronics Engineering 1975 David_Ayliffe@compuserve.com
  69. Phil Badcock BA Accounting & Financial Management 1992-5, MSc Computer Studies 1995-7 Last graduation March 1998 philbad@hotmail.com
  70. Peter William Bagnall Electronic Engineering 1977 bagnall.pw@pg.com
    Hi to all from 74-77, send me a message if you rememeber me!
  71. Andy Baker Biological Chemistry 1981 andy.baker@cableinet.co.uk
    Still shakin' that tree boss!
  72. Martin J Baker BA Electronic Engineering 1971 106131.3640@compuserve.com
  73. Tony Baker MSc. Telecommunication and Information Systems 1987 ampbaker@enterprise.net
    I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
  74. Paul Baildham Economics 1993 baildham@globalnet.co.uk
  75. Chikosa Ulendo Banda LLM in international Human Rights Law 1998 ulendo@yahoo.com
    Lecturer in Law , University of Malawi. I miss Colchester. Anybody out there? Please keep in touch.
  76. Patricia Barbuscia M.A.Latin American Government and Politics 1996 pbarbu@amcham.com.br
    Currently working at American Chamber of Commerce at S.Paulo, Brazil
  77. Piers Barber BSc Electronic Engineering 1986 piers@videologic.com
  78. Eric Barcelo-Monroy MSc in Telecommunications and Information Systems 1990 ebarcelo@allegroresorts.com
    Now Director of MIS at a Hotel Management Company in the Dominican Republic
  79. Charles Kevin Barclay Electronics Engineering 1977 ckb@msn.com
    Married to Gillian Waterfield with son Charlie
  80. Ian C Bardsley BA (Hons) Government 1981 icbard@globalnet.co.uk
    Pleased to hear from anyone who remembers BR 14 78-79 or BR15 80-81.Working for Scottish and Newcastle in NW England.
  81. Andrew Barker Biological Chemistry 1978 info@intelynx.net
  82. Paul Barker Technological Physics With Business Studies 1996 paul_barker@mail.com
    Working for Tesco IT Division, marying Jane Hayward (Lang. & Linguistics 1987) in June 2000
  83. Stuart Barker BEng (Hons.) Electronic Systems 1996 sbarker@uk.ibm.com
    Currently working for IBM Global Services, doing GUI Development and Java, along with various other Internet/E-Commerce related technologies.
  84. Roger Barlow MA Political Behaviour 1972 rjb@netvigator.com
    Currently in Hanoi, Vietnam
  85. Steve Barraclough Electronic Engineering 1987 steveb@anadigics.com
  86. David Marshall Barrett Government; W. European Politics MA, 1985 dbarrett@dgprod2.vill.edu
    I would be delighted to hear from any old friends who were at Essex, in the graduate program, in 1984-85. My mailing address is Box 291, Main P.O. Villanova, PA 19085 USA.
  87. Martin Barrett BA Economics 1975 martinbarrett@kpmg.co.uk
    Management consultant, KPMG, London
  88. Toby Barrett IKBS 1988 tobybarr@nortelnetworks.com
  89. Keith Barron Mathematical Economics 1984 barron4@compuserve.com
    it would be great to hear from anyone who frequented the "top bar" between 1981 and 1984
  90. Marcos de Paiva Barros Electrical Engineering MSc 1983, PhD 1986 barros@pobox.com
  91. Dr Richard A. Bartle Computer Science 1981 richard@mud.co.uk
    I now have a home page...
  92. Keith Bartlett BSc Computer Science 1998 keith@olive.co.uk
    Software Developer, Olive Systems Ltd, Colchester
  93. Dr Tony Bartley Chemistry 1971 anthony.bartley@lakeheadu.ca
    I work in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario
  94. W.L. Yassin Baruani M. SC. Computer Science 1981 y.baruani@unesco.org
    I am currently working as a Webmaster for UNESCO as well as an Administrator for the Organization's Internet Services. This gives me great opportunities of visiting Essex's cyberspace from time to time. Why isnt coffee offered there ?
  95. Farshad Barvarz Electronic Engineering 1988 fash.barvarz@waii.com
    Live in Houston. Work in the Oil Industry
  96. Aaron Barwell BSc Computer Science 1997 ambarw_1@hotmail.com
  97. Enid M. Basden Electronics Engineering 96 onestep@sprintmail.com
    I am now married and going by the name Enid Munfus
  98. Jugtar Singh Basi BSc Electronic Engineering 1973 100067.1650@compuserve.com
  99. Davinder Basuita Physics with Laser Technology 1985 dbasuita@tesco.net
    Living in San Francisco, set up a Silicon Valley start-up. Wants to hear from old friends.
  100. Heather Bateman (née Maisner) BA Literature 1968 hmbateman@compuserve.com
  101. Louise Howson, née Bates Language and Linguistics 1987 Louise.Howson@solent.ac.uk
    Living in Southampton, spent 8 years in Army, including tours in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Rwanda. 18 months teaching in secondary school (more scary than Army!). Now in Public Relations dept of Southampton Institute - biggest HE College in UK
  102. Richard Bates Economics 1989 r.m.bates@dorset-cc.gov.uk
    Management Accountant with Dorset County Council. Married to Micky (nee Thorp) - Biology 1989. Like to hear from anyone who knew me !
  103. Martin Bath BSc Electronic Engineering 1982 Bathm@agw.bt.co.uk
    Working for BT
  104. Michelle Bath Psychology 1998 michellebath@hotmail.com
  105. Paul Gerard Batten Applied Linguistics 1996 pgbatt@po.harenet.or.jp
    Any messages welcome!
  106. Mike "Blob" Battersby Economics 1969 mike.battersby@tesco.net
  107. Kim Bauckham Computer Science 1978 kim@beacon.demon.co.uk
    I split my time between running a VR and simulator comany called Media Magic and working as a psychotherapist specialising in self harming.
  108. Catherine Rachel Baxter (Kate) BA Economics 1989 c.baxter@bristol.ac.uk
    Research Associate, Bristol University
  109. Christopher Bayne Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1989 chris_bayne@msn.com
    Living in Chipping Norton, with partner & 5 year old son, programming computers
  110. Lawal Hameed Bayo Mathematics Ph.D, 1981 lawal@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu
    I graduated in 1981 (Ph.D.) in Mathematics, specialising in Statistics. I am currently, the chair of the department of Statistics, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA.
  111. Mark Beales Physics and Laser Technology 1984 mark@orchardway.f9.co.uk
    Director of Stage Services Ltd. Sound and lighting company
  112. Toby J Beaumont Philosophy /Law 1995 toby@cnss-uk.com
    Now designing web sites / Internet Consultancy for large Computer Network Firm
  113. Paul Beardsley I.K.B.S. 1989 pab@robots.oxford.ac.uk
  114. Damian Beasley-Suffolk B.Sc. Electronic Engineering 1988 dsuffolk@epo.e-mail.com
    The plan to retire at 30 failed, so did the next best thing and joined the European Patent Office in The Hague, NL. It's (almost) like being a student again, but the money's better!
  115. Toby Beaumont 1995 toby@wirestation.co.uk
    Technical Director of Wirestation - Interactive New Media
  116. Grant Bedford MSc Physics of Laser Communications 1992 goose@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
    Now in final year of PhD in Tissue Optics at UCL
  117. Mike Bees Comp. & Microprocessor Eng. 1982 mikebe@sco.com
    Still sailing, still drinking beer. Anyone remember the sailing club parties (I don't!)?
  118. Giovanni Beliossi MA Financial Economics 1992 gbeliossi@lbs.lon.ac.uk
  119. Eleni Belivanaki BSc Psychology 1999 e_belivanaki@hotmail.com
  120. Julius Beltrame Philosophy & Art History 1999 juliusgb@hotmail.com
  121. Phil Bennett Electronics 1975 phil@trillian.org
  122. Mike Benson Electronics 1984 mikeb@totem.co.uk
    Still alive, Still around, Still enjoying life !
  123. Yvonne Bentley BA Sociology and Politics 1982 y.bentley@mdx.ac.uk
    Education Liaison Co-ordinator, Middlesex University
  124. Myriam Garcia Bernabe Linguistics 1995-96 garcmn@essex.ac.uk
    I work for the Data Archive on campus!
  125. Simon Berriman Computer Science 1997 Simon_Berriman@jba.co.uk
    I am now living and working in Plymouth, Devon for a software house.
  126. Stuart Berwick 1993 Theoretical Physics B.Sc., 1997 Theoretical Physics Ph.D. stuart.berwick@bigfoot.com
  127. Joanna Bickmore American Studies 1998 jogo@carrotmail.com
    I hope that everyone had as good a time as I had at Essex, I would love to do it all over again.
  128. Alison Birch BA Language & Linguistics 1986 A.J.Birch@aston.ac.uk
  129. Sarah Birch BA Comparative Literature 1985 bircsi@essex
    Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex
  130. Dr. Gary J. Bishop Lasers and their Applications 1981 Gary.Bishop@sympatico.ca
  131. Morten Bitsch Law Erasmus, 1996 mbitsch@omk.dk
  132. David P Black Telecommunication and Info. Systems 1994 101534.2663@compuserve.com
    Running my own company in France!!!
  133. Annie Bligh BSc Chemistry 1985 a.bligh@unl.ac.uk
  134. David P Black Telecommunication and Info. Systems 1994 101534.2663@compuserve.com
    Running my own company in France!!!
  135. Keith Blakemore-Noble Electronic Engineering (computer & microprocessor) 1988 keith@amiga.u-net.com
    Currently enjoying life getting paid to play with computers in Bracknell :) (Name was Noble back at Essex, but changed through marriage, btw. Divorce imminent, but can't be bothered to change back again.)
  136. Jeremy Boakes BSc Electronic Engineering 1989 jez.boakes@mnp.nokia.com
  137. Philip P Bodman Economics 1987, MA 1988 bodman@commerce.uq.edu.au
  138. David Bohill Law 1987 david.bohill@metronews.co.uk
    Hated law, liked University bar. Now journalist (Chief Sub-editor) in Newcastle. Living in sin, two kids. Happy to conduct e-mail relationship. Cheers.
  139. Yesim Bolme (Kayhan) MA In Financial & Business Economics 1994 ykayhan@tekstilbank.com.tr
    Now working in Tekstilbank, Istanbul, Turkey in the Correspondent relations and marketing department. Last name change as Kayhan
  140. Robert Bond Government 1976 h2o@h2ofrance.com
  141. Boon Chik Eo MSc Computer Science 1996 SMWEK@Singnet.com.sg
  142. Desmond Borresen Computer Science 1985 dborre@yahoo.com
    Now living in Lost Angeles.
  143. Helen Bottery IBST 1994 bottery@nortel.networks.co.uk
    software engineer at Nortel Maidenhead
  144. Maria Bouba MA Applied Linguistics 1995 mariab@enl..auth.gr
    PhD Student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of English
  145. Susan Boucher - Foxon International Exchange Program 1995 chiddler@yahoo.com
    Married a Brit and went home :)
  146. David Bouchier Sociology 1971 bouchier@wshu.org
    To get to my webpage, click on my name under "Commentators"
  147. Richard Bouchier Government/Sociology1985 Richard.Bouchier@talk21.com
  148. Mr Lamine Boudouha Electronic engineering 1984 khaldoun99@yahoo.fr
    i'm still alive ,living in Algiers, married 1child, spent lovely years at the university.
  149. Rezki Bounekhla MA Sociology 1982 rbounekhla@hotmail.com
  150. Nicole Bournias-Vardiabasis PhD Biology 1978 nbournia@csusb.edu.
    Professor of Biology, California State University, San Bernardino, USA
  151. Senoga David Bouvier economics/politics 1995/1996 106375.1043@COMPUSERVE.COM
    Transfered to University of Houston Texas U.S.A.
  152. Jill Meekings (née Bowden) Maths and Economics 1974 gmeekings@cc.ernsty.co.uk
  153. Toby Bowen Electronic Engineering 1986 toby.bowen@ericsson.com
    Now living in the USA, working for Ericsson developing cellular phones
  154. David Bower Mathematics and Computer 1997 dbower@ge.ucl.ac.uk
    Completed an M.Res in Computer Vision at UCL, now working as a Research Assistant at UCL. Loving London life - never too many clubs to go to ;-)
  155. David Bowers Telecommunications 1974 David.Bowers@HKT.COM
    Still enjoying life with Hong Kong Telecom
  156. Kevin Bowers Comparative Studies 1978 kbowers@interlog.com
  157. Christopher Thomas Bowie BA Politics 1997 chris.bowie@arcormail.de
  158. John Bowman US Studies 1989 john.bowman@btinternet.com
  159. William A. Boyd MA Government 1974 bill_boyd@mail.dnr.state.ga.us
  160. Lucy Bradshaw Government 1996 l.c.Bradshaw@lse.ac.uk
    Now on Msc Public Administration and Public Policy with Roger Raymond and others. Any news of the year of 1995/6/7 welcome.
  161. Bruno Saturnino Braga MA in Financial and Business Economics 1992 brunobraga@alternex.com.br
    Economist at the CVM - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, the Securities Commission of Brazil; Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Fellow, Single Nation Program, 1996.
  162. Hilda Breakspear Art History and Theory 1987 hilda.breakspear@harpercollins.com
    Working in IT department of publishing company and loving it
  163. Nick Breeds Computer Science 1987 Nick.Breeds@zurich.co.uk
  164. Mark Brennand Comp. Sci. 1987 mark@bssl.co.uk
    Working for imaging consultancy in Hampshire and wishing I'd chosen another course at uni.!!!
  165. Jillian Brewster Art History and Theory 1991 jlln215@netscapeonline.co.uk
  166. Jennifer Bridgeman BA Accounting and Financial Management 1997 mail@scruttonbland.co.uk
    Trainee Chartered Accountant, Scrutton Bland Chartered Accountants, Colchester
  167. Aston James Bridgman MA Study of Contemporary Japan 1989 astinj@haven.ios.com
    Just finished 6 years in Japan, now in New York
  168. Mark Howard Brierley Environmental Biology 1981 mbrierley@hotmail.com
    Glad to hear from any old friends or colleagues.
  169. Natalia Brines Language and Linguistcs 1995 nbrine@essex.ac.uk
  170. Julie Bristol-Colwell (née Bristol) Literature 1995 Julie@Keckco.com
    Address: 2911 Jefferson Ave, Redwood City, CA 94062 USA
  171. Caroline Broadway Sociology 1971 caroline@aldouslamb.com
    I am now based in Northampton where I run a PR and marketing agency, specialising in Website and Intranet design.
  172. Matthew Brook Biochemistry 1994 mbrook@fs2.scg.man.ac.uk
    I'm an RA at Manchester University
  173. Suart Brook Electronics Eng 1972 sbrook@concentric.net
    Been touring the new world ... now in Colorado
  174. Alan Brookland MSc Computer Science 1995 alan@b29net.bt.co.uk
  175. Gerald Francis Brooks BA Mathematics 1983 ged@gbas.demon.co.uk
    Human Resource Consultant, Ged Brooks Associates, London
  176. Barbara Brooksbank BSc Mathematics and Computing 1998 barbara.brooksbank@umds.ac.uk
  177. Dave Broster BA Electronic Engineering 1972 broster@newscs.com
    EEC, Brussels
  178. Alister (Angus) Brown Electronic Systems Engineering 1990 hedgehog@zetnet.co.uk
    7 years on and STILL working for ICL.
  179. David Brown Maths & Statistics 1992 david.brown@ucl.ac.uk
  180. Gordon Brown Physics 1971 gordonb@zetnet.co.uk
    See my home page....soon
  181. Jonathan Bruce Computer Systems 1979 Jonathan_Bruce@compuserve.com
    Now working for Seagate Software in Ipswich
  182. Nigel Bruce IKBS 1988 N.Bruce@leeds.ac.uk
  183. Jeannie Buchanan Comparative Sociology 1969 jwheeldo@attcanada.net
    Since 1977 living and working in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.
  184. Mike Budge Computer Science 94 mikebudge@hotmail.com
    kids - Argh!!!! Where'd they come from ???
  185. Simon Bull Maths Comp 1986 sbull@globalnet.co.uk
  186. Anthony Bunting BSc Computing Science 1984 ajb@itl.co.uk
  187. Kathryn Hills (née Burford) BSc Information Management with Accountancy 1991 Hillska@fdrc.co.uk
    Systems & Projects Accountant, Port of Felixstowe
  188. Alan Burrows Maths 1995 alan@cupinco.freeserve.co.uk
    Now working in defence - I would say more, but I'd have to shoot you if I did...
  189. Stephen Burrows Economics and Government 1991-1995 srburrows@cc.ernsty.co.uk
  190. Nicolas Burton United States Studies 1996 nik.burton@virgin.net
  191. Alex Butcher Computer Science (Systems Architecture) 1995 Alex.Butcher@bris.ac.uk
    I'm currently working for the UoB Computing Service as a micro technician.
  192. Gillian Butcher PhD Physics 1996 gib@star.le.ac.uk
    Research Associate/University of Leicester/Physics
  193. Clive Butler BSc Computing Science 1984 clive.e.butler@adn.alcatel.com
    Technical Lead, Network Management Systems Development, Alcatel Data Networks Inc, Virginia, USA
  194. James Butler Computer Science (AI) 1995 james.butler@reuters.com
    I now work for Reuters, researching emergent technologies.
  195. Danny Byrne Economics 1988 Dan@byrne122.freeserve.co.uk
  196. Diane Caldwell Government 1996 diane.caldwell@sympatico.ca
  197. James Gerard Callaghan MSc in Telecommunications and Information Systems 1989 James.Callaghan@bt.com
  198. Tim Calveley BA Econ, MA Econ 93 tcalveley@kpmg.bm
    Living and surfing in Bermuda.
  199. Julie Cameron Russian Studies 1988 julie.long@arthurandersen.com
    The first student at Essex to work in the Top Bar!
  200. Bruce Campbell Computer Science 1991 BruceCampbell@Compuserve.com
    Now working in the MapInfo business
  201. Robert Campbell Computer Science 1998 robert@compsoc.man.ac.uk
  202. Huibin Cao MSc, Telecom. and Info. Systems 1993 huibin.cao@bj.col.co.cn
    National Power Telecommunication Centre, P. R. China
  203. David Cardale BA Economics 1970 Davidc@netpep.co.uk
  204. Andrew (Andy) Carey Government 1996 careax@hotmail.com
    After spending a year out in Canada, I married my American pen-pal (who I'd been writing to for seven years) in May 1998 in Utah, United States. We now live in San Diego, California, where I work as a Software Developer.
  205. Ken Carroll Electronics Eng. 1980 kcarroll@sirius.com
    Living in California since 1983, Hi Ray, Pete, Dick, Eck etc
  206. Lorraine Carson Sociology 1978 carsonlj@sympatico.ca
    Independent IT Consultant in Ottawa, Canada
  207. Dave Catchpole Maths 1967 dcatchpole@bigfoot.com
    Currently living in Anchorage, Alaska.
  208. Sean Catterall 1994 sean.catterall@interserveglobal.com
  209. Nur Betul Celik PhD Government 1996 celik@hermes.media.ankara.edu.tr.
  210. Luca Cerioni LLM European Community Law 1996 dioginfo@tin.it
    Works in a Consulting Firm
  211. Alberto Cervantes-Rodriguez MA in financial and Business Economics 1996 106440,2776@compuserve.com
    After my M.A. at Essex I got an excellent academic background, great job, and also my girlfriend to whom i am planning to marry. That's why I think that Essex is the best University in the UK
  212. Mariemilia Chacon Latin American Government 1996 mchacong@yahoo.com
  213. Mary Chacon Linguistics 1981 expoceca@telcel.net.ve
    In Venezuela since 1981, dedicated to Business Management
  214. Alfred Chan Computer Systems 1978 alfchan@tm.net.my
    Very pround of Essex University.
  215. Kwan Chan MSc Telecommunication and Information Systems 1991 unitc@netvigator.com
  216. Kwok-ho Chan BA Economics 1996 mcyifkc2@fs1.ma.umist.ac.uk
  217. Raymond Chan PhD Sociology 1996 sshong@cityu.edu.hk
  218. Chan Seng-Hai Telecoms Engineering 1975 mind@pl.jaring.my
    I wish to contact all my follow classmates
  219. Stanley C.F. Chan Electronics System Engineering BSc (83), PhD (87) eecfchan@cityu.edu.hk
    I am working in Hong Kong
  220. Ken Chan BA Economics 93 kenkhc@hotmail.com
    Hiya! I'm in Hong Kong ... want to get in touch with all my Essex friends anywhere!
  221. Wai Ling Chan LLB Law 1997 chanhmun@pacific.net.sg
  222. Clare Chapman BA Economics 1992 thumpa@blunder.demon.co.uk
  223. Ian Keith Chapman I.B.S.T 1995 ian.chapman@paxar.co.uk
  224. Mick Chawner Electronics, Telecommunications 1972,1973 mick.chawner@sympatico.ca
    Now living in Canada
  225. Alexis Che Chemistry & Biological Chemistry Bsc/89;Phd/94 alexis@cuhk.edu.hk
  226. Soo Lan Cheah B.Eng 1993 soo_chea@hotmail.com
  227. Dodo Cheng (Tau Cheung) Accounting Finance & Economics 92 chengdna@netvigator.com
    Currently working as Quantitative Analyst in Nomura, Hong Kong. Anybody out there who knows me?
  228. Tim Chillington I.M.A. 1991 tim.chillington@chase.com
    Married Sarah (nee Eadon) Biology '93. Currently employed as a distressed debt trader with Chase Manhattan, Sarah is a para-medic. We have 7 month old daughter, Lauren. Hi to all the old friends we haven't met at weddings over the last 5 years.
  229. Kenneth John Chisholm Fifthmonarchists 1994 ken43ken@excite.com
    hi there is a contact e-mail for anyone who knew or was a fifthmonarchist. a lot of us have stayed in contact and still meet regularly. it would be good to hear from old friends.
  230. Mike Chittenden Sociology 1996 mike.chittenden@which.net
    Lecturing at South Downs College, Portsmouth
  231. Miang-Choon Chee Computer & Communication Engineering 1978 miang-choon.chee@citicorp.com
    Hi. Its been a very long time since I left Essex Univ. Hope to be in touch again. Cheers.
  232. Ramon Chen Computing Science 1987 ramonc@synon.com
    Hi everyone. Where are the Lads? I'm in California. Get in touch!
  233. Ch'ng Cheow-Khong Electrical Engineering Science 1982 or 83 chng@cps.co.nz
  234. Martin Cherry Mathematics 1988 martinc@plc.emap.co.uk
    Still live in Peterberough. Still single. Work for EMAP plc as Group Financial Analysts. Pete, Mike, are you out there?
  235. Derek Cheung Bsc Computer and communication 1984 derekc@bnr.ca
    If there is alumnus newspaper, please send it to 34 Knudson Drive, Kanata, Ottawa, Canada K2K 2L6
  236. Liz Cheveley BSc Physics with Laser Technology 1986 E.Cheveley@aol.com
  237. Jean Chin Chia M.Sc Computer Science 1995 chinchia@mailhost.net
    Check out my web page. Do keep in touch.
  238. Samantha Chitty Accounting & Financial Management 1996 samantha.chitty@btcellnet.co.uk
    I would like to hear from old uni friends!
  239. Peter Chiverton Computing Science 1984 peter.chiverton@sema.co.uk
    Living in Basingstoke with wife & small son. Working for Sema Group in Reading.
  240. Aftab Choudhary BSc. IBST'94 MSc. CompSci'95 1994 achoudhary@noblestar.com
    Working for Brtish Airways at Heathrow.
  241. K. Alec Chrystal Economics MA, 1969, PhD 1975 alec.chrystal@bankofengland.co.uk
  242. Sapna Chudasama Economics 1995 sapna.vadher@talk21.com
  243. Dongho Chun MA Art History & Theory 1996 MFTXFDC2@stud.man.ac.uk
    PhD Student, Dept of History, University of Manchester
  244. Hanching Chung Statistics and Operational Research 1979 demingtw@ms17.hinet.net
  245. Anita Churchward (formerly Mann) BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management 1996 anita.j.churchward@britishairways.com
    It would be great to hear what people I knew are up to now, so if you've got two minutes.....
  246. Leslie Clark BA Electrical Engineering 1971 lesclk@essex.ac.uk
    Engineering Co-ordinator, Essex University
  247. Simon Clark European Studies 1996 simon@simonclark.com
    Just to say that I am now running a couple of Internet companies in London and still drinking as much.
  248. Stephen Clark Economics 1977 steve.clark@dial.pipex.com
    Back in UK after 14 years in Australia
  249. Judith Clarke Language and Linguistics 1987 robert.parry1@virgin.net
  250. Christopher Clay Electronic Engineering 1984 Twofromuk@aol.com
    Now living in the USA - please send me some real beer !!
  251. Helen Cleary English and French Law 1996 bu96hhc2@brunel.ac.uk
  252. Anthony Clements BSc Physics 1982 asclements@msn.com
  253. Mike Coad Computer Studies (Programming Linguistics) 1973 MCoad@img.seagatesoftware.com
  254. Jason Allan Cobb Sociology 1993 jason.cobb@itn.co.uk
    Currently working as Sports Producer on a web site
  255. Tanja Richard Maria Coeckelbergh MSc Developmental NeuroPsychology 1996 t.r.m.coeckelbergh.med.rug.nl
    Veel plezier en veel bijgeleerd ! Groeten aan mijn lieveke!
  256. Ivan Keith Cohen Economics 1976 (B.A.) and 1977 (M.A.) icohen@ic.ac.uk
  257. Lior Cohen Law 1999 050808344@doar.net
    Telefax +972-4-9922611 Mobile +072-51-687655
  258. Murray Coleman Law 1989 murray.coleman@lcol.com
    Human Resources Director, Ann Arbor Michigan
  259. Barbara Howlett (née Coles) Mathematics 1973 B.Howlett@lut.ac.uk
  260. Simon James Collander-Brown Theoretical Physics 1994 S.C.Brown@qub.ac.uk
    I am now a Post-Doc at Queens University Belfast.
  261. Margaret Collins Physics 1998 m.collins@gecm.com
    Now working at Marconi's in Chelmsford. E-mail me and say hi.
  262. Tony Colliver Computer and Communications Engineering 1980 t_c@cix.compulink.co.uk
  263. Nick Condon Computer Science 1992 nick.condon@tamesis.com
  264. Martin Congreve Computer Science 1975 Martin@etre.co.uk
  265. Douglas Patrick Connelly Environmental Biology 1985 doug@bbsr.edu
    Working in Bermuda for the last 9 years, anyone out there from Biology 1985.
  266. Sarah Cook BA Accountancy Finance & Administration 1989 sarahcook@ibl.bm
    Manager, Accounting & Administration, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Bermuda
  267. Sarah Cooke BA Law, LLM Law 1990, 1997 hrwasiauk@gn.apr.org
    Human Rights Watch, Researcher, London
  268. Tara Cooke BA Politics & Sociology 1997 tara@blackstone.demon.co.uk
  269. Gareth Cooper MSc Computer Studies 1995 gareth@lucent.com
  270. Chris Corbett Computer & Comm. Engineering 1972 chris@cagv.demon.co.uk
    Actually stayed on at Essex till 1984, now working for Siemens
  271. Lisa Cordaro English & European Literature 1988 angel_child46@hotmail.com
    Now in London, working in Publishing. Greetings to alumni, 85-88. Essex was GREAT.
  272. Andrea Cordell BSc Mathematics Operational Research and Economics 1994 cordella@tbeuk.com
    Internal Auditor, Tokai Bank Europe, London
  273. Stan Corker Computer Science 1972 scorker@emeraldresearch.com
  274. Jonathan Cornell Economics 1991 jonathan.cornell@btinternet.com
  275. Pearse Courtney PPPM 1994 pcourtney@bloomberg.net
    Still following the Thatcherite dream & working in the City
  276. Chris Cowen Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 ccowen@gdcarc.co.uk
  277. Huw Coxon MSc Computer Studies 1993 n.h.coxon@bnr.co.uk
    I now work for BNR in Harlow.
  278. Jolyon Crane Electronic Engineering 1974 cranej@pgdt.com
    Married to Lesley Anscomb (Physics 1974) now living in Bournemouth. Jo is Technical Director of Penny & Giles Drves Technology in Christchurch
  279. Nick Crisp Electronic Systems Engineering 1990 N.Crisp@soc.soton.ac.uk
  280. David Crooks BA Computing Science 1972 71174.1307@Compuserve.com.
  281. Nick Cross Latin American Studies 1989 ncross@centrohumboldt.com
  282. Elizabeth V. Crowder (2nd website) Government 1971 liz@freareng.demon.co.uk
  283. Chrystal, K.Alec Economics M.A. 1969, PhD, 1975 alec.chrystal@bankofengland.co.uk
    Home address: 22 Shakespeare Tower, London EC2Y 8DR
  284. Francis Curry Physics 91 CURRYF1@AOL.COM
    Working in London still !!!
  285. David Peter Cushman Phil/Soc Jnt Hons 1987 david.cushman@ecm.emap.com
    I'm working for Motor Cycle News, married to Suzanne for almost two years now. Old friends are very welcome to look me up
  286. Anne Cutler Art History and Theory 1991 a.cutler@Sheffield.ac.uk
  287. Steven Daish BSc Electronic Engineering 1974 Daishs@ABC.com
    working for ABC news, London
  288. Naiem Dakri BSc IBST 1996 fish@dcs.qmw.ac.uk
    I can now be found studying in London for an MSc in HCI.
  289. Erifili Daliani MSc Statistics and OR 1994 eda@maths.ed.ac.uk
    PhD student, University of Edinburgh
  290. Duncan Shipley Dalton Law 1993 D.E.S.D@tesco.net
    I am now an Ulster Unionist member of the Northern Ireland assembly at Stormont in Belfast anyone who knew me as an obnoxious tory in 1990-93 drop me a line.
  291. Kieran Daly Comparative Literature 1997 Daly@icp.hornet.kobelco.co.jp
    Currently in the Columbia postgraduate program. Currently living in Japan and still exploring the globe. Would like to hear from Christine Griffiths, Tony Pannacchia, Dani Stretch, John Irvine, Paul Hazlehurst, Belinda.
  292. Michele Maria Giovanni D'Amico PhD Mathematics - Wave Propagation 1997 DAMICO@ELET.POLIMI.IT
    Assistant Professor, Politecnico Di Milano, Dept Di Elettronica, Milano, Italy
  293. Simon Dancer Economics BA(Hon.) 1997 sd7279@bristol.ac.uk
    President of The Gregorian Society 1996/97; Chairman of Conservative Association 1995/96. Currently 'studying' for a MSc in Economics at the University of Bristol. Still drinking too much and not enough studying...but hey what the hell!!!
  294. Lucy Darbishire MSc Sports Science 1997 ivdarb@essex.ac.uk
    Research assistant for the HSSI at Essex, teaching Sports Science at Essex and training people to teach SPIN, a new exercise class
  295. Mairead D'Arcy Physics 1990 mmd@lilly.com
    Just stumbled across this..drop me a line!!
  296. Chris Dardry Electronics 1975 christopher.dardry@gecm.com
  297. Andrew Davenport M.Sc. IKBS Ph.D. A.I.99 1996 andrewd@ie.utoronto.ca
    Now working at Toronto University, Canada.
  298. Rajesh I David Accounting and Finance 1998 rajdavid@usa.net
    Kasuri, Carlton, Malakas etc etc.......Living in Jersey.
  299. Simon Davidmann Elec Eng 1980 simon@his-home.demon.co.uk
  300. Adrienne Davidson (nee Dunsford-Southall) BA Literature 1975 aadavid@cgocable.net
    Living and working outside of Toronto - not many 1975 grads are there??
  301. Catherine Davies Mathematics 1987 catherine.davies@virgin.net
  302. Chris Davies Accounting and Financial Management 1991 mail@c-davies.co.uk
    Now working in Hong Kong for Carillion plc
  303. Colin Davies Electronic Engineering 1988 daviesc1@boat.bt.com
    Workinf in London. Wife and two daughters.
  304. Gareth Davies Electronics 1983 grmd@lrts1.demon.co.uk
    Software Engineer, sub-classification: freelance money-grabbing mercenary!
  305. Helen Davies Sociology 1994 helen@gecko-1.demon.co.uk
    Teaching history/special needs and still with John !
  306. John L S Davies BSc Computer Science (Systems Architecture) 1991 jlsdavies@uk.ibm.com
  307. Ken Davies IBST 1995 ken@lion.syscom.com.tw
    If anyone familiar is stopping over in Taipei, feel free to get in touch with me and we could arrange a few beers on the town.
  308. Paul Davies Information Management with Accountancy 1992 pa.davies@btinternet.com
    Hi to all old friends. I'm now married and living in Basingstoke
  309. Perez Rogelio Davila MSc Intelligent Based Systems, PhD Computer Science 1987, 1996 rdav@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx
    Head of Computer Science, Universita de Las Americas, Puebla, Mexica
  310. Adrian Davis Computing Science 1978 adrian@themount.demon.co.uk
  311. Joanna Davis Psycholinguistics 1996 joanna-davis@lineone.net
  312. Nicola Dawson Eng. and Euro. Literature 1994 nicola.dawson@kcl.ac.uk
    Am now doing my dream job in London! Would love to hear from anyone who knew me. What's the goss then?!!
  313. Jill Dean Literature 1982 RBall56f@aol.com
    now living in Exeter. Please contact
  314. Nigel Deighton Biological Chemistry BSc 1985 ndeigh@scri.sari.ac.uk
    One of Hider's herd, headed for London now in Dundee...Brrr!
  315. Fernando de Las Penas MSc Telecommunication Systems 1983 fernando.delaspenas@tetrapak.com
    Working in Colombia for a swedish company, TETRA PAK
  316. John David Denton Mathematics, Operational Research and Economics Graduated 1991 lizandjohn@tinyonline.co.uk
  317. Athanassios Demertzis MSc, Software Engineering Methods, Department of Computer Science 1997 than@otenet.gr
  318. Yongzheng Deng Telecommunications and Information Systems 1988 yongzheng.deng@undp.org
    M.Sc. degree
  319. Caroline Downing, née Derbyshire Government 1977 caro@c3md.freeserve.co.uk
    Ran the Union Shop for a year after graduation, then did a PGCE in Norwich. Now head of Maths in Lowestoft. I spent most of my three years in BR, and would love to hear from anyone who remembers that far back!
  320. Keshava Dhatariya Electronic Systems Engineering 88 kesh.dhatariya@uk.ibm.com
    Project Manager at IBM Global Services based in London, Covent Garden
  321. Simon Dick Computer Science 1997 simd@null.net
  322. Evangelos Dimarakis BSc Electronic Engineering 1986 ADIMARAKIS@NET.IBM.COM
    Advisory IT Specialist in the Banking Sector of IBM Greece.
  323. Philippos Dimitrakopulos Msc in telecommunication and information systems 1991 dimitrak@ath.forthnet.gr
  324. Loukas Dimitrios MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 dloukas@matrix.kapatel.gr
    Telecommunications Engineer
  325. Ioannis Dimitriou MA Financial & Business Economics 1991 john@www.naseco.gr
  326. John Dimitriou MA fin. & bus. econ. 1989 nasecoj@compulink.gr
  327. Kostopoulos Dimosthenis MSc Computer Science 1998 dimos@gromon.com.gr
    Systems Manager, Euroconsultants LC, Thessaloniki, Greece
  328. Gillian Dishman Economics 1997 gillian_dishman@flextech.co.uk
    I am now a Research Assistant at Flextech Television in London researching audience figures
  329. Guido D'Isidoro BA Government, MA Wesern European Politics 1975 disid@enterprise.net
    Works at LLandrillo College of FE in Colwyn Bay, Wales
  330. Malene Djursaa History and Sociology 1975 and 1979 djursaa/eng@cbs.dk
    Returned to base, now lecturer at Copenhagen Business School
  331. Balbinder Dobe Physics 83-86 & 90-95 baldobe@hotmail.com
  332. Alan Donald Environmental Biology 1997 pipedreamscomics@email.com
    Hi to all who remember me, the heady days of plots to over throw the president and all that. I've settled down, married Dawn and will soon be starting an e-commerce business of my own (well that and a comic shop....you know me). So hi to all the Greeks, Hacks and biologists who remember me.
  333. Dontsios chris msc cognitive neuropsychology 1997 cdonts@mailcity.com
  334. Nigel Doran Mathematics & Statistics 1996 n.doran@farn-ct.ac.uk
  335. Mark Dorrell Computer Science 1985 dorrell@ihug.co.nz
    Now living in Auckland, New Zealand
  336. Graham Dossett Policy Making and Administration 1982 graham.dossett@btinternet.com
    Currently temporarily working in Geneva at g.dossett@icrc.org
  337. Christopher Douce MSc Computer Science 1995 C.Douce@man.co.umist.ac.uk
    Research Student, Umist, Dept of Computation
  338. Stephen William Doughty Chemistry By Dissertation 1994 S.W.Doughty@Bradford.ac.uk
    Now a lecturer in Pharmacy at the University of Bradford. Producing lots of children with Lorna!
  339. Emmanuel Dranakis BA Accounting & Financial Management 1997 manos.dran@hermes.aueb.gr
  340. Ioannis Dravopoulos MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 idra.@intranet.gr
    Project Co-ordinator, Development Programmes Department, Intracom SA Athens
  341. Michael Dreksler BSc Computer & Microprocessor Systems 1988 m.d.Dreksler@datasci.co.uk
  342. Susan Dreksler Mathematics 1988 susan_dreksler@europe.notes.pw.com
  343. Claire Dresback United States Studies 1996 dresp@essex.ac.uk
  344. Aristotelis Drossis MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1992 Aris.Drossis@siemens.gr
  345. James Duddridge Government 1992 james@duddridge.com
    After working for a bank in UK and Africa I am now back and involved in UK politics!
  346. Richard John Dudley Chemistry BA 1967 PhD 1970 richard@52dudley.freeserve.co.uk
    Working with the Forensic Science Service and heavily into Family History. Would welcome any contact from past colleagues
  347. Janet Duerden MA Sociolinguistics 1998 jduerden@cariboo.bc.ca
  348. Janet Dunbar economics 1970 j.anderson@uea.ac.uk
  349. Debbie Dunkle Political Behaviour 1968 dedunkle@uci.edu
  350. Mike Dunstan Electronics 1974 dunstan@clara.net
  351. Hassan Arbeed Durgauhee MA Linguistics 1995 hassan@ling.ed.ac.uk
    Finished thesis at Ediburgh University 1997. Now working at The National Audit Office
  352. Alex East History and Literature 1990 exams.secretary@rcplondon.ac.uk
    Now living back in London after two years in New Zealong, anyone who remembers me, get in touch!!!
  353. Andrew Eatherall biology 1987 andrew.eatherall@aguk.zeneca.com
    Anyone from cell biology 1987 out there?
  354. Amanda Susan Ede Literature and Sociology 1998 asede76@yahoo.com
    Working in Twickenham as Assistant Town Manager
  355. Malcolm Edwards Computer and Microprocessor Sys 88 edwechelec@aol.com
    Alive/Kicking/Married/South Coast - get in touch - do it NOW!
  356. Paul Edwards MA Contemporary Japan 1989 PAULEDWARDS@porter-scotland.freeserve.co.uk
  357. Paul Norman Edwards MA Contemporary Japan 1982 PAULEDWARDS@porter-scotland.freeserve.co.uk
  358. Katherine Eeles Psycholinguistics 1998 kateeles@yahoo.com
  359. Ubong Effeh LLM (International Trade Law) 1998 uee1@ukc.ac.uk
    Ubong is now a teaching assistant at Kent Law School, where he is also a doctoral candidate.
  360. Eleni Eftaxiadou MA Financial & Business Economics 1996 heftaxiadou@usa.net
    Economist, eurogramme, Luxembourg
  361. Joseph Olaniyi Efunshile BSc Electronic Engineering 1979 jo@efunshile.com
    I'd like to hear from anyone who remembers me.
  362. Kostas Eleftheriadis Chemistry, Ph.D. 1993 elefther@cyclades.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
  363. Eleni Eleni Accounting and Financial Management 1992 eleni5@yahoo.com
    After graduating from Essex I did an MBA in Cardiff Business school, moved back to Cyprus until 1997 and worked in various firms, lived in Israel for two years and since Sept 1999 I have been living in Paris. Anyone who remembers me please send an email
  364. Richard Elliott Electronics 1996 richard.elliott@vf.vodafone.co.uk
  365. Roslyn Marie Elliott Biology 1996 relliott@rvc.ac.uk
  366. Polidoratoy Elpid MA Financial and Business Economics 1996 Epolidorat@hillandknowlton.com
    Financial analyst, Greek Company
  367. Matthew Elton Computer Science 1996 melton@netcomuk.co.uk
    Founder president of Prompt - The Essex University Computing Society, also maintainer of the Essex Java Archive
  368. Emily Emerson American Exchange Student 1993 eemerson@home.com
    I am trying to get in contact with some friends....can anyone help? Please respond. COming to UK in June.
  369. Fern S.H.Eng Economics 1990 fernyard@pacific.net.sg
  370. Ana Laura Gonzalez Enriquez MA in Financial and Business Economics 1996 lgonzalez@cnbv.gob.mx
  371. Guilhem Ensuque MSc Physics of Laser Communications 1997 guilhem.ensuque@bt-sys.bt.co.uk
    BT, Professional Mobility Research
  372. Zymboulaki Erato Mathematics 1995 papan_ge@spidernet.com.cy
    After graduating from Essex, I found a nice job working as a maths teacher and married George Papanestoros (maths 1994) and had a daughter.
  373. Dinc Erkman Economics 1982 Dinc.Erkman@Toprakbank.com.tr
    Like to hear from Mike Barlow and David Williams
  374. Mehmet Nuri Ertem MSc Telecommunications Systems 1984 eltas@turk.net
    Alternate mail: ertemn@garanti.net.tr
  375. Ignacio M Escalante M.A. Development Economics 1982 nachem1@ix.netcom.com
    Now I live in Houston, worked as Bussines Consultant
  376. Martin Essex BA Mathematical Economics 1972 messex@sundaybusiness.co.uk
    Economics Editor, Sunday Business (newspaper
  377. Murtaza Esufally LLB Law 1988 Murtaza@Sri.lanka.net
  378. Katsimichas Evangelos MSc Telecomm & Information Systems 1994 afroditi@compulink.gr
  379. Gareth Alun Evans Computer & Communicatios Engineering 1972 gareth@cemetery.demon.co.uk
    Older, Fatter, but still a techno-nerd!
  380. Peter Evans Sociology 1975 peter@despammed.com
    Teaching, in the land of the shrunken yen.
  381. Jon Everett Computer Science 1974 John_Everett@x400.icl.co.uk
    Been abroad almost ever since, in Germany for ICL since 1984
  382. Julian Exeter MA Economics 1969 Julian_Exeter@classic.msn.com
  383. Vincent Lum Kan Fai Electronics Engineering (C&C) 1985 vincentl@apple.com
    Haven't communicates with the university since graduate until I discover this web site. I think the NET is great! I have been in HK since graduated in 85. Now I am the Marketing Director for Asia in Apple Computer.
  384. David Fairlie Computer Science 1988 DFairlie@aol.com
    Living it up in Atlanta, Georgia. Getting Married in March 1999!
  385. Lee Fong Fang Language and Linguistics 1990 leeff@chs.edu.sg
    Teaching English and History at a secondary school in Singapore
  386. Heidi Fearn BSc Theoretical Physics, PhD Theoretical Quantum Optics 1986,1989 heide@icarus.fullerton.edu
  387. Sean Patrick Field BA Sociology 1984 sean@beattie.ult.al.za
    Research Officer, Western Cape Oral History Project, Department of History, University of Capetown
  388. Nick Felisiak Computer Systens 1976 nick@spider.com
    At Spider Software in Edinburgh
  389. Richard Andrew Fellows Economics 1982 richard@fellows.org.uk
    President of Californian investment firm, splits his time between San Francisco and London
  390. Graham Fenner Computer and Communications Engineering 1973 Graham.Fenner@in.png.po.gpt.co.uk
    Working in Telecoms research, living in Dorset
  391. Nic Ferriday BA Physics 1968 nic@wlfoets.demon.co.uk
  392. Desmond John Ferros Telecommunications BEng 1997 djferros@hotmail.com
    feel free to email me....
  393. George Fettes Computer Science BA 1972 gfettes@cips.ca
  394. Mary-Rose Finden (nee Austin) Computer Science 1984 mary-rose.finden@triad.plc.uk
    IT Consultant for Triad Group (part-time) , happy ever after story of hubby, children & cats. Send me an email if you remember me.
  395. Robin Finlow Mathematics & Computing 1986 dobbin@globalnet.co.uk
    Married and working in I.T. for Money Broking
  396. Dr. Susan Fish Chemistry BSc 1985 matt.king@virgin.net
    Now living in Berkshire and working as an NHS lecturer. Just had a baby. Maternity leave is wonderful but had to give up Cider.
  397. Martin Fisher Biological Chemistry 1984 102713.2673@compuserve.com
  398. David Fishman Economics, M.A. 1975 david.fishman@london.pgs.com
  399. Darren Flaxman Biological & Medicinal Chemistry 1993 dt.flaxman@virgin.net
    Teaching in Reading
  400. Clare Fletcher BA United States Studies 1998 Clare.Fletcher@morecomm.com
    Sales Co-ordinator, More Group Plc, Woking, Surrey
  401. Ronan P. Flood Computing Science 1983 R.Flood@noc.ulcc.ac.uk
  402. Gurmit Flora Maths and Computing '82 gurmit_flora@newbridge.com
    it was all sooooooo many years ago!
  403. Paul Foley Environmental and Industrial Chemistry 1994 arjopf@hotmail.com
  404. Matthew Folson Government & Politics 1996 mfolson@iccs-ltd.com
    Working in e-commerce, married Marlene Johnson (BA Russian 1997) in Las Vegas, May 1999
  405. Vikki Forbes BSc Environmental Biology 1992 AHDVJF@smtp.ntrust.org.uk
    National Trust Property Manager, Hatfield Forest National Nature Reserve
  406. Andrew Ford Computer science (AI) 1993 aford@hursley.ibm.com
    I am now working for IBM at Hursley (nr. Winchester)
  407. Stuart Forrest History 1996 forrest_stuart@hotmail.com
    Working for a clasic car magazine in south west london and loving it. He will be marrying Cherry Hanson (BA Psycholingusitics 1997) on August 12th 2000, and they would love to hear from anyone who remebers them from Essex, especially any of the old URE crowd from 96, and anyone from BR4, Avon Way and anyone else who knows us
  408. Tony Foster English & French Law 1994 tony.foster@kpmg.co.uk
    Now a KPMG Tax Consultant (and married to Shirlie Ramsay)
  409. Adrian FoxGovernment 1968 adrian@adrianfox.demon.co.uk
    Currently teacher in Trowbridge Wiltshire and District Councillor
  410. Philip Fox BA Economics 1972 thefoxe%@mdi.ca
  411. Chay Foxon Electronic Systems Engineering 1998 chiddler@yahoo.com
    Now I'm Married and living in the States.
  412. Georgios Fragkakis BEng Electronic Systems Engineering 1998 13021975@usa.net
  413. Christopher Frampton BSc Chemistry, PhD Chemistry 1981, 1986 christopher.frampton@roche.com
    Works as a X-ray Crystallographer, Drug Discover at Roche Discovery Welwyn, UK Division of Hoffmann La-Roche
  414. William Franklin MSc Electronic Engineering Systems 1989 Franklin@hooked.net
  415. Suzan Fraser BA West European Politics and Language 1989 sfraser@ap.org
  416. Tony Frazer Art History and Theory 1974 shearsman@appleonline.net
    Now living in Devon. Happy to hear from anyone who remebers me from 74 and before
  417. Howard Freeland Theoretical Physics 1968 FreelandHj@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>
    I work for the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Govt. of Canada. Research interests are primarily in global climate change, dynamics of the El-Niño-Southern Oscillation, and interactions with the fisheries. Please call if you are from 1968. British Columbia is a gorgeous place to live.
  418. Hilary Freeman Philosophy 1992 hilary@jeakes.demon.co.uk
    on a bit of a nostalgia trip
  419. Andrew French Chemistry 1968 andrew.french@dal.ca
  420. John French BA Computing Science 1970 JohnDFrench@FTnetwork.com
  421. Alex Alves Freitas Computer Science 1997 alex@dainf.cefetpr.br
  422. Ingo Froeschmann BA European Studies 1997 froeschmann@yahoo.com
    currently at Kent University doing Master in Business Studies
  423. Jean Ellis (née Fulford) Economics 1973 ellistor@ihug.co.nz
    I am interested in any other convocation members down-under, any anyone who might remember me, or my husband Tony Ellis, who was the Students Union Administrator of 4 years
  424. Chi Fung BSc Electronic Engineering 1987 ECFFUNG@ntu.edu.sg
    Research Engineer, Centre for Signal Processing in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  425. Kit Fung BA Language Studies 1998 kit_fung@hotmail.com
    Broker for Aon Group Ltd. Please email me if you knew me, as I would love to meet up with people that I have lost touch with.
  426. Graham Furlonger Biological Chemistry 1985 graham@gfurlonger.freeserve.co.uk
  427. Alistair Galbraith Artificial Intelligence 1998 agalbraith@primus.com
  428. Tim Gale Electronics 1976 tim.gale@metawave.net
  429. Roger Garbett BA Physics 1972 roger.garbett@dial.pipex.com
  430. Myriam Garcia-Bernabe Language and Linguistics, MA in Computational Linguistics 1996 garcmn@essex.ac.uk
  431. Dr. Joaquin Garcia-Hernandez PhD in Electronic Systems Engineering 1999 jgarciah@iie.org.mx
  432. Amanda Garner European Studies 1996 arna1301@uni-trier.de
    Anyone out there!!??
  433. Cheryl Gardner Bsc Biological Science 1999 cheryl.gardner@uk.pwcglobal.com
    Now working in global risk management for Pricewaterhouse Coopers
  434. Peter Gardner BA Computing Science 1971 peterg@cristie.co.uk
  435. Steve Garratt Electronic Engineering 1977 steveg@u.genie.co.uk
    Living in Colchester with Jayne McNaughton and Hollie
  436. Jose Maria Serna de la Garza Government 1996 josemar@servidor.unam.mx
    Researcher at Institut of Legal Studies, National University of Mexico
  437. Helena Gaytán-Fregoso MA and PhD in Economics 1998 hgaytan@sre.gob.mx
    Director of Multilateral Co-operation, DGTC, IMEXCI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
  438. Andrés Gazel MA Economics 1992 subway@sol.rasca.co.cr
  439. Clare George BSc Biological Chemistry 1982 cKrishan@voicenet.com
  440. Fintan Geraghty Economics & Govt. 1989 fintan.geraghty@symonds-group.com
    Debbie "Steptoe" Reynolds - does anyone know where she is?
  441. Effie Geros MA US Government & Politics 1995 fkmarmel@ath.forthnet.gr
  442. Maznah Ghani BA Economics 1979 maznahg@yahoo.com
    Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communication & Works, Sabah, Malaysia
  443. Gholam-Reza Ghassem-Sani M.Sc. IKBS, Ph.D. Computer Science 1988, 1992 sani@ce.sharif.ac.ir
    Presently, I am a faculty member of Sharif University, Tehran, Iran
  444. Said Ghobadian BSc Info Bus Systems Tech 1995 saiid@sento.co.uk
  445. Lindsey Gill Politics 1998 lagill@essex.ac.uk
  446. Ranbir Gill BSc Mathematics 1998 ranbir.gill@experian.com
    Data Analyst
  447. Margaret French (née Gillman) Chemistry 1968 french@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
  448. Gin Yew Low M.Sc. Computer Science 1996 gylow@mbox2.singnet.com.sg
    Hi, i am now working as a software consultant. If you know me, do sent me a mail. I miss all my friends in Essex!
  449. Anastassios Giovas MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1996 giovas@ath.forthnet.gr
  450. Rupert Glascow Literature 1981 rpt@piaget.moe.ac.sg
    Now teaching English in Singapore, have been here since 1986. Would love to hear from old friends. Where are Wayne and Nigel??
  451. Richard Gleeson MSc Lasers and their Apps 1984 1000042.3031@CompuServe.COM or Richard_Gleeson@Cohr.com
  452. Glen Lim C F Electronic Engineering 1989 glen-lim@liebert.com
  453. Hans Glockner Mathematics 1973 101535.413@compuserve.com
  454. Fiona Glynn Literature 1979 fistephens@lineone.net
    Teaching now and living in Kent, pleased to hear from anyone who remembers me.
  455. Andrew Goddard BEng Electronic Systems Engineering 1990 andy@taiwan.demon.co.uk
  456. Amanda Yen Ching Goh MA Language & Linguistics 1997 amandag@stb.com.sg
    Assistant Manager, Singapore Tourism Board, Singapore
  457. Ismail Gokal Economics 1991 demirr@foreigntrade.gov.tr
  458. Matthew Gomez MSc Computer Studies 1996 matthew@durdane.demon.co.uk
    Computer Programmer, Rutherford Webb Plc East Grinstead, computer software company specialising in payroll package
  459. Robin Goode BSc Electronic Engineering 1984 MSc Telecomm & Info Systems 1987 robin.goode@hoskyns.co.uk
    Just hanging in there at Hoskyns CGS
  460. Paul Gooding Cell and Molecular Biology 1991 paul.gooding@pi.csiro.au
    No longer in the UK - fancied some sunshine. Now in Adelaide, working for CSIRO (on Bananas !).
  461. Eleri Goodman Art History 1991 e.goodman@wales.ac.uk
  462. John Goodyer Maths and Computing 1986 john@goodyer64.freeserve.co.uk
  463. Louise Gordon 1975 lshalev@post.tau.ac.il
    Graduated with BA Language in 1975. Married Daniel Shalev of Israel, graduated 1977 BSc Electronic Engineering and 1979 Computer Science. We have been living in Israel since 1979 and have 2 children, Gal, 18, and Karen, 14.
  464. Jeremy Goss Electronic Systems Eng 1986 jgoss@ptc.com
  465. Sanjiv Gossain Electonic Systems Engineering 1986 sanjiv@gossain.com
    Currently in an internet startup in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  466. Paul Gough Art History & Theory 1983 paul@goughp.freeserve.co.uk
    I'm still alive. Three children. Big mortgage. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers this old mature student.
  467. Alan Graham BSc Physics 1985 alan@alangrhm.demon.co.uk
  468. Michele Grant Literature 1981 michele.grant@bbc.co.uk
    Working for BBC News. Still a leftie. Where's the rest of you?
  469. Peter Grant Sociology 1976 peter.grant@nof.org.uk
    Working as Director of Operations for the New Opportunities Fund
  470. Kevin Gray Computers and Numerical Analysis 1980 kevin.gray@lr.org
    Worked at University College Hospital before doing MSc. Have been working for Lloyd's Register since. Eldest daughter now at Essex doing Lauguages!
  471. Alfred Green Electronics 1975 nu8i@home.com
    Living and working in Phoenix, Arizona since 1988.
  472. Ian William Greenleaf Computer Science 1989 ian@kbss.bt.co.uk
  473. Andy Greenley Mathematics and Statistics 1988 andrewg@cambridge.gov.uk
    Network Manager at Cambridge City Council.
  474. Alan Greep BSc Information and Business Systems Technology 1994 alangreep@learningtree.com
    Noi works as a Computer Training Provider for Learning Tree International,Surrey
  475. Clive Gregory Biological and Medicinal Chemistry 1991 sphcjg@cf.ac.uk
    Presently working at Cardiff University. Delyth and I recently had our first child and would love to hear from any old friends. Cheers
  476. Peter Griffin Biological Sciences 1982 Griff@Biomedic.demon.co.uk
  477. Rodney Lionel Griffin MSc Computer Science 1997 RGriffin@Access-Accounting.ca.com
    Developer/Programmer, Access Accounting, Suffolk
  478. Roger David Griggs MSc Physics with Laser Communications 96/97 griggro@nortel.co.uk
    Hello to all who knew me at Essex, get in touch
  479. Quentin Groom Ph.D. Biology 1990 qsmg@morph.u-net.com
  480. Robert JC Grosvenor LLB in English & European Laws 1997 rgrosvenor@deloitte.be
  481. Stuart Grove Mathematics 1970
    Also MSc Stats and OR, 1973
  482. Claire Elizabeth Grover MA Linguistics, PhD Language and Linguistics 1982, 1995 C.Grover@ed.ac.uk
  483. Wayne D Grover Telecommunication Systems 1981 grover@ee.ualberta.ca
    Now a Professor at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
  484. Sabine Gruppe Ph. D. Biology, 1994 sgruppe@fontshop.de
  485. Didier Guillevic Electronic Systems Engineering 1987 didierbzh@yahoo.com
  486. Jim Guldbrandsen MA in Financial & Business Economics 1996 sdkjig@sdk.sas.com
    Esssex was a great experience that I will cherish for years to come. Thanks to all the friends I met..also you Alberto.
  487. Taner Gungor MSc Telecommunications & Information Systems 1997 gungort@se.bel.akatel.be
    Software Design Engineer, Alcatel Telecomm, Antwerp, Belgium
  488. Paul Gunning MSc Physics of Laser Communications; PhD Ultrafast Photonic Networks, 1999 1995 paul.gunning@bt.com
    Photonic Networks Research. c/o B55/131F, BT Labs, Suffolk IP5 3RE, UK. Ph: +44 1473 647049
  489. Gurmit Flora Maths and Computing 1982 gurmit@soft-toon.demon.co.uk
  490. Antonio Astiazaram Gutierrex Polital Theory1996 antonioz@son1.telmex.net.mx
    Sonora's Governor Executive Assistant
  491. Nigel E.M. Guy IBST 1995 nguy@kenan.com
    now working for a top American Telecoms Firm called Kenan Systems Corporation
  492. Mike Haberfield Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1986 mikeh@summitfs.demon.co.uk
  493. Marcus Hadi Accounting abnd Financial Management1992 marcus@telekom.com.my
    Desperate to hear news from all essex students
  494. Darryl Hadler BSc(hons) Computer Science 1997 darryl_hadler@sandwich.pfizer.com
    After obtaining a First Class degree I now work at Pfizer as a Systems Developer
  495. Keily Haggar Modern Languages & Linguistics 1998 Keily.Haggar@ntl.com
  496. Peter Haine BA Physics 1967 Peter.HAINE@sb.com
  497. Matt Hales BA Linguistics 1997 Matt.Hales@libher.suffolkcc.gov.uk
    Working in ICT Field Support at Suffolk Libraries & Heritage. Hi to anyone who remembers me - drop me a line!
  498. Alkistis Halikia MA Gallery Studies 1996 Mailer-Daemon@zeus.idealnet.net
  499. Chris Hall Computer Science 1989 chris@slander.globalnet.co.uk
    Living the High Life in Clapham, London
  500. Chris Hallett Government 1991 chrishallett@hotmail.com
    Snowboard/surf bum travelling worldwide, recently a computer geek in Stockholm!
  501. Mike Halls Electronic Engineering 1988 mike.halls@talk21.com
    Still with BT, now married with a son and living in rural Suffolk
  502. Richard Hamblyn BA Art History and Theory 1989 rjhamblyn@hotmail.com
    Wrote a PhD in Cambridge; currently finishing a book on the history of meteorology.
  503. Darryl Hamer Electronics Eng (Telecommunications) 1987 darryl@kbss.bt.co.uk
  504. Paul Hamer Philosophy 1983 paul@hamer-house.freeserve.co.uk
    Now with Harvey Nichols in central London, as EPOS and Stock Management Systems Manager
  505. Robin Hamman MA Sociology '95 -'96 Robin@socio.demon.co.uk
    Studying online communities and designing web sites
  506. Ellyza Mastura Ahmad Hanipiah Law 95/98 ellyza_m@yahoo.com
  507. Martin Hannavy Computer Studies 1993 hann2@essex.ac.uk
  508. Chris John Hannon Computer Science 1998 Chris.Hannon@mindless.com
    I'm now at Imperial doing a masters cos I dont want to get a job.
  509. John Hanson Computing 1982 john_hanson@compuserve.com
    At Safeway in Information Security dept
  510. Kirstine Hanson BA Sociology 1994 kahansen@lse.ac.uk
    Working at the Centre for Economic Performance at LSE, after working for MORI and travelling.
  511. Stewart Paul Hanson Physics with Laser Technology 1985 s.hanson@sheffield.ac.uk
    A recent returnee to academia, I'm now an RA at Sheffield University
  512. Chris Hanyane BSc Computers & Microprocessor Systems 1982 chris.pica@iname.com
    Managing consultant specializing in Environment, rural development and water systems. Installing tele centres (internet resource centres)
  513. Tat Yan Hao MSc Computer Studies 1990 Samhao@ibm.net
  514. Ian Hardacre Computer Science 1973 ian@hardacre.softnet.co.uk
    Now MD of ICL's Professional Services Division
  515. Charles Harding Electronic Engineering 1988 cjh@chaser.co.uk
  516. J H Martin Hardy M.Sc. Telecomms Systems 1974 jhm_hardy@compuserve.com
    Early retired from BT. Student again, at UCS Ipswich!
  517. Hristos Haritos MSc Computer Studies 1996 haritos@softlab.ntua.gr
  518. Vaughan Harries Physics & Laser Technology 1983 vaughanh@hpsource.com
  519. Matt Harrington US Studies 1996 mattharr@yahoo.com
  520. Sile Harrington PhD Language and Linguistics 1996 S.Harrington@ulst.ac
    Research Officer, University of Ulster
  521. Lynda Harris Sociology 1992 lynda.harris@plc.cwplc.com
    Been round the world with Kevin Parker, now back working in London
  522. Darren M. Harrison B.A. United States Studies 1995 DLibrasnow@aol.com
    Living in the United States and working for a daily newspaper as a reporter
  523. Juliette Harrison French, Spanish and linguistics 1991 tim.@summerfield.freeserve.co.uk
  524. Philip David Harrison Accounting & Financial Management 1995 Philip.Goldby@rbi.co.uk
    I have changed my surname from Goldby to Harrison since leaving University
  525. Jo Hart Environmental biology 1981 aq45@dial.pipex.com
    I am now teaching Environmental Science in FE and would be glad to contact any of my year Env Biol or Biol
  526. Christine Hartman Economics 1974 chris@hartmantech.com
    I am looking for Anne Swinney, Chris Traynor, Crispin Hodges, Rob Gill, Gray Vine, Robin Gape and any other URE people from way back when.
  527. Christine S. Hartmann Engl. Lang. and Linguistics 1992 Christine.Hartmann@uni-konstanz.de
    Visiting Student
  528. Christina Hartshorn BA Sociology 1968 christina.hartshorn@durham.ac.uk
  529. Leslie Harwood Electronic Engineering 1978 lharwood@intonet.co.uk
    Consultant - Olivetti UK. Multimedia Kiosk Development
  530. Abu Hassan BA Accnt & Finan Manag 1992 adamha@petronas.com.my
  531. Anton Hassan MSc, Computer Studies 1989 zak@indo.net.id
  532. Hatim Abbas Hassan MA Descriptive & Applied Linguistics 1995 hhassan@scf.usc.edu
  533. Munawar Hassan Bsc Information & Business Systems Technology 1994 Munawar_Hassan@compuserve.com
    Currently working for CMG Plc as an International SAP Consultant
  534. Steve Hassan Computer Studies MSc 1993 hasss@essex.ac.uk
    Still here! I now work in the Data Archive as a programmer.
  535. Christopher Hatch Physics, PhD 1977 chris.hatch@bt.com
    Working at BT Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath
  536. John Hatch PhD Art History & Theory 1995 jhatch@julian.uwo.ca
    Undergraduate Chair, Dept of Visual Arts, The University of Western Ontario
  537. Adam Hatia Computer & Microprocessor Engineering 1984 adam.hatia@btinternet.com
  538. Steve Hawkins Ph.D. Biological Sciences 1988 sfh@aii.co.uk or SFHaw@aol.com
    Working as a Senior Scientifc Officer for a cytogenetic imaging company
  539. William Stephen Hawkins BA School of Social Studies, Economics 1976 Bill.Hawkins@ms.corpoflondon.gov.uk
    Computer Auditor, Corporation of London
  540. David Hay Electronic Engineering 1986 hay@ccis.adisys.com.au
    Living in Perth, Western Australia (as is my tutor from Essex, Peter Jones - bizarre!)
  541. Bradley Hayes Biology 1997 bjhaye@essex.ac.uk
    An average guy with a great homepage
  542. Steve Hayes BSc Comp Sci 1996 stevehayes@hotmail.com
    Was treasurer then president of Uni Judo club, took it from strength to strength...Not!
  543. Sarah L Haynes (nee Allott) Biological Sciences 1988 S_Haynes@fs1.with.man.ac.uk
    PhD Leeds University, 1995. Currently working in Withington Hospital, Manchester as Autologous Transfusion Co-ordinator.
  544. James A Hayward BA Psychology 2000 jamie_hayward@ekno.com
    Love to hear from friends, old & new
  545. Jane Hayward French Language/Linguistis 1987 jhayward@csc.com
    Living/working in Slough, soon to marry Paul Barker (Physics 1996)
  546. Matthew J Heaton Msc, Computer Studies 1990 matthew@softsoft.net
    TimeBytes to take the world.
  547. Sonia Heckadon Sociology 1980 diegohm@sinfo.net
    I obtained my MA with Harold Wolpe as advisor in 1980. Cheers.
  548. Stanley Heckadon Sociology 1983 diegohm@sinfo.net
    Hello from Panama. I received my MA and PHD long ago. Cheers.
  549. Johanna Katrin Helgadottir MA European Integration 1998 jkh@rhi.hi.is
    University of Iceland, Project Manager for students with special needs
  550. Matthew C Hellawell I.B.S.T 94 Matthew.Hellawell@seiko.co.uk
    I am now working as a Systems Engineer for Perotsystems at Heathrow
  551. Mark Henderson-Thynne Computer Science 1995 mark@henderson-thynne.com
    Living in Washington DC and working for a major Internet company.
  552. Sun Teik Heng MSc. Telecommunication and Information Systems 1997 sunth_1350@tarc.edu.my
    Keep in touch to all my friends I met at Essex.
  553. Carlo S. Hernandez electronics 1981 cs@telcel.net.ve
  554. Christian "El Gringo" Hernandez Accounting, Finance & Economics 1995
    If you're ever in Los Angeles and we used to know eachother, difinately give me a call. There's nowhere else like LA LA LAND...
  555. Gonzalo Hernandez-Licona M.A. in Economics 1990 econghl@vax.ox.ac.uk
  556. Paul James Heslop Electronic Engineering 1986 paul.heslop@soton.sc.philips.com
  557. Andy Hewett Computer and Microprocessor Engineering 1982 ahewett@mround.bt.co.uk
  558. Dan Hibbert BA History (1997) MSC Computer Studies (1998) 1998 dhibbert@linklaters.com
    Geeking for a Law firm. Anybody out there?
  559. Frances Hickey Government/History 1987 tpreston@wsunix.wsu.edu
    Name now Frances Preston
  560. Sarah Hickey BA Literature and History of Art 1996 Ihbsxh@smtp.ntrust.org.uk
    Conservation Secretary, National Trust, London
  561. Nieves Hicks-Pedron MSc Statistics and Operations Research 1994 nh211@cam.ac.uk
  562. Darren Higgs Accountancy, Finance & Economics 1991 higgsdarren@hotmail.com
  563. Michael Anthony Higgins Computing Sciences 1971 71045.444@compuserve.com
  564. Gayle Hills Accounting and Financial Management 1995 GLH@python.softnet.co.uk
    Living & working in Romsey, Hants. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me!
  565. Mick Hillyard Economics/Government 1976 Hillyardm@Parliament.UK
    I am employed by the Commons and working on EC finance and international development.
  566. Dimitris Hiotakakos BSc Electronic Systems Engineering 1986 Dimitris.Hiotakakos@eurodyn.com.gr
    Director of Project Management, European Dynamics, Athens
  567. David Hingston Electronic Engineering 1973 dhingston@clara.net
    Still in Engineering. Now living and working in Somerset
  568. Damian Peter Hiscocks Government 1991 Damianh@mcmail.com
    Still playing Rugby, but now also pounding the beat !!
  569. Simon Hiscocks Biological & Medicinal Chemistry and PhD Chemistry BSc 1991 PhD 1995 simon@hiscocks.org.uk
    I am now teaching chemistry!!! Its a funny old world. I would welcome e-mails from anyone who knew me during my time at Essex
  570. Hing Kin Ho Telecommunications and IT 1988 hohk@usa.net
  571. Chrystal, K.Alec Economics M.A. 1969, PhD, 1975 alec.chrystal@bankofengland.co.uk
    Home address: 22 Shakespeare Tower, London EC2Y 8DR
  572. Steve Garratt Electronic Engineering 1977 steveg@u.genie.co.uk
    Living in Colchester with Jayne McNaughton and Hollie
  573. John Sze Peng Hock MSc. in Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 sze_john@corp.timeplex.com
  574. Kah Eng Hoe MSc Computer Science 1997 hoekahen@iscs.nus.edu.sg
    Research Assistant, National University of Singapore, Dept of Information Systems and Computer Science
  575. Deborah Holdaway History 1996 markanddebbie@mrspeel.freeserve.co.uk
  576. Robin Holdsworth Mathematics 1992 robin@iboxtv.com
  577. Susan K. Holly Comparative Studies-History 1987 Susanholly@hotmail.com
  578. Holroyd Andy english and european laws 1996 engintly@club-internet.fr
  579. Darryl Hond MSc Computer Studies 1993 D.Hond@slh0630.wins.icl.co.uk
    I now work for ICL and am living in London.
  580. Michael Hooton Electronic Engineering (Computers & Communication) 1987 mikeh@mrhpc.demon.co.uk
  581. Daniel F Hope Economics and Government 1995 danfhope@aol.com
    Founder Editor of JAGGED 1994/5, Judicial Officer 1994/5
  582. Joanne Hopkins BSc Mathematics & Statistics 1998 joanne_hopkins@mandg.co.uk
    Marketing Trainee, MGM Ltd, London A:
  583. Mark Hopwood Government 1993 MarkHopwood@tesco.net
  584. Tan Chung Hor, William Electronics Engrg 1989 teamone@singnet.com.sg
  585. Bernard Horan (also known as David) Maths 1982 bernard.horan@sun.com
    Currently working for Sun Labs in Palo Alto, CA, USA.
  586. Richard Horner Computer Science (AI) 1993 rhorn@ctp.com
  587. Craig Hosford Computer and Microprocessor Eng 1984 craig_hosford@uk.ibm.com
    Get in touch anyone who knows me-Jaywick Popular Front etc
  588. Lei Kuan Hou, Dennis Economics 1994 kuanhou@macau.ctm.net
    I want to contact all people living in South Court at 1993-1994
  589. David Alexander Hough BA History and Politics 1996 DAH108@mead.anglia.uk
  590. Peter Howard Computer and Communication Engineering 1983 howardp@azhip1.agw.bt.co.uk
    Would like to hear from any of the '83 EES crowd
  591. Sarah Howlett Art History & Theory 1994 showlett@blackwellpublishers.co.uk
    Any gossip?
  592. Brendan Howlin Biological Chemistry 1980, Phd 1984 B.Howlin@surrey.ac.uk
  593. Hsieh, Ting-chu (Brigitte) MA Drama 1992 setinchu@tpts1.seed.net.tw B
  594. Tony Hudson Government 1984 tony_hudson18@hotmail.com or tony.hudson@bir.org.uk
    General Secretary - British Institute of Radiology
  595. Jackie Huen BSc.(Computer & Comm.) 1986, MSc.(Tele. & Info. System) 1987 1987 jackie@netcom.com (home) huenja@ampex.com (work)
    Software Project Leader in the Silicon Valley, California, USA. Anyone from my class ?
  596. Howard Hughes Economics 1971 Howard.Hughes@ccpress.co.uk
  597. Lorraine Pannett (née Hughes) Compartive Literature (Russian) 1970 lorpannett@aol.com
    I look forward to hearing from any contemporaries
  598. Nicola Hughes Environmental Biology 1997 nicola.hughes@ucl.ac.uk
  599. Mark Anthony Hulett Computer Science 1989 ant@consultech.co.uk
  600. John Hulley Computer Science 1993 jonny@abduction.org
    Working for an ISP (Demon Internet) doing Network Management development.
  601. Robin Hulse Sociology 1971 robin@hulse.com
  602. Francoise Humphrey BA United States Studies 1996 francoise.hamlin@yale.edu
    Françoise was the Women;s Officer at the Student's Union 1993-1994 and has been active on the union throughout her degree. After graduating, she did an MA at London University and is now studying towards a PhD in African American and American Studies at Yale University, USA. Her name is now Françoise Hamlin.
  603. Hazel Humphreys Philosophy and Continental Philsophy MA 1996 hazelhumphreys@hotmail.com/
    Overcame technofear to work as a computer programmer. Interested in setting up a Philosophical Inquiry website
  604. Alistair Hunt TPBS 1995 ajh@python.softnet.co.uk
    Living in Romsey, Hants. Working in Chichester. No more trampolining though !
  605. Lester C Hunt MA Economics 1979 L.Hunt@surrey.ac.uk
  606. Paul Hunt Economics 1989 paulh@ccat.co.uk
    Love to hear from any former friends
  607. Walter Hunt BA Government 1968 W.Hunt@open.ac.uk
  608. Colin Hurford BA Computing Science 1971 hurfordc@colchsfc.ac.uk
  609. Ian Hurst BSc Computer Science 1997 Ian@C3Ltd.co.uk
    Software Engineer, C3 Computer Communications Ltd, Cambridge
  610. Ian Hurst Computer Science with German 1998 ianh@climatechangersoftware.co.uk
    Software Engineer still in Colchester.
  611. Jeffrey Hurwitz Sociology 1983 jefffromcharlotte@yahoo.com
    Living in charlotte North carolina, was one of the american exchange students-best year I ever had-1982-1983. Drop me a note if you remember me- jeff
  612. David Hutchings BA Chemical Physics 1969 david@hutching.demon.co.uk
  613. Brigid Hutchinson Latin American Studies 1988 Brigid.Hutchinson@ssmb.com
    Currently working as an Analyst Developer at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in London
  614. Jo Hutchinson Environmental Biology 1995 johutch@littleholt.screaming.net
  615. Julian Hutchings Government and Philosophy 1979 julian.hutchings@dial.pipex.com
  616. Rod Hyde Computer Science 1989 rodhyde@cix.compulink.co.uk
  617. Jill Hynes Language and Linguistics 1987 jill57@teleline.es
    Teaching English in Huesca, northern Spain
  618. Christine Iliokaftos@ath.forthnet.gr MA Financial & Business Economics 1996 iliokaftos@ath.forthnet.gr
  619. Indraswari Sociology 1995 indras@home.unpar.ac.id
    Currently on the teaching staff of Faculty of Social and Political Science, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung - Indonesia
  620. Paul Ingram BSc Physics 1988 70624.163@compuserve.com
  621. Paul Ingram Economics 1985 ingrampr@netvigator.com
    Still going!! Now in Hong Kong, look forward to hearing from old friends.
  622. Paul M. Ingram Physics 1988 PM.Ingram@tesco.net
    New web site now on-line - see my new BABY!
  623. Ahmad Ismail Biology PhD 1986 aismail@fsaf.upm.edu.my
  624. Arif Ismail MSc inTelecommunication and Information Systems 1997 ariftm@telekom.com.my
    smile always
  625. Jazi E. Istiyanto CS(M.Sc),ESE(Ph.D) M.Sc (88), Ph.D (95) jazi@elins.ugm.ac.id
    I keep missing Essex and Colchester.....
  626. Claudia Iudica B.A. European Studies 1995 c_iudica@hotmail.com
    I'm back in Brussels now (since 1.7.97). Please note change of e-mail!
  627. Patrik Ivarsson Environmental Chemistry 1996 pfivarsson@cheerful.com
    PhD-student, Linköping University
  628. Robert Izod BA Economics 1968 ROBERT.IZOD@BASF-PLC.CO.UK
  629. Alan Jackson MSc Computer Studies 1994 Alan.Jackson@seagatesoftware.com
    Software Engineer, Seagate Software
  630. Sally Jackson BSc Biological & Medicinal Chemistry 1996 sally.jackson@virgin.net
    Analytical Chemist
  631. Will Jackson Government 1989 will@willjackson.net
    Recently set up new radio station in Chelmsford; now back in London at company providing news & travel to BBC and commercial radio.
  632. Tim Jacobs Biological Chemistry 1975 tjacobs@datastream.co.uk
    Still alive!!
  633. Philip R. Jacovides BA Economics 1992 pjacovides@sidenor.vionet.gr
    Working as a Commercial Analyst for SIDENOR S.A., Greece's leading SteelWorks
  634. Ashok Jain M.Sc. Computing Science 1971 ashokj@vsnl.com
  635. Maria James Accounting,Finance and Economics 1996 mtj@soton.ac.uk
    Now living in Portsmouth and working at the University of Southampton. Would love to hear from old friends.
  636. Frederic Jammes MSc Physics of laser communication 1997 frederic_jammes@non-hp-france-om4.om.hp.com
    1rst job: BT Ipswich. Now: Altran (Consulting company): Y2K Co-ordination project
  637. Fouad Janat MPH Biology 1985 janatm@pfizer.com
    Associate Scientist, Phizer Inc
  638. Gregg Janman BA Philosophy 1998 MUSIVILL@AOL.COM
  639. Kulanut Jarakorn BSc Agricultural Economics 1987 mjara@hotmail.com
    Working for the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce as a Technical Trade Officer
  640. Alan Jarvis Computer Science 1989 allen.jarvis@iname.com
    Debut novel 'e-males' now available at amazon.co.uk
  641. Paul Jarrett Computing 85 paul@jarrett.cix.co.uk
    Married Rajni Prashar (computing 84), two kids, job in the city, double glazing, etc.
  642. Clare Jarvis BA Government & Politics 1998 assist@hambrocol.com
  643. Caroline Jeffery Sociology 93 carriejj@hotmail.com
  644. David A P Jennings BSc Electronic Engineering 1987 dapjennings@iee.org
    changed email address
  645. Rebecca Jewitt Economics 1990 rebecca.jewitt@capitalone.com
    finally... e-mail access! Anyone who remembers me, drop me a line!
  646. Juan Alejandro Jimenez-Garcia Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems 1986 alejimenez@c-t-i.com.mx
  647. Jackson Lim Yew Jin Msc Computer Studies (Artificial Intelligence) 1989 limyjj@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
    I am currently managing the IT Services team at S&I Systems Pte Ltd. We deliver end-to-end Internet based solutions for businesses.
  648. David Jobbins Government 1968 Djobbins@thes.co.uk
    Assistant Editor of THES, after surviving years of journalism
  649. Kate Johnson History of Art 1995 kjohnson@elavidge.com
    Moderator in Marketing Research
  650. Marlene Johnson BA Russian Studies 1997 marlene@greenstead.clara.net
    Working in London in property and lettings consultancy
  651. Rick Johnson Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1988 RickJ@eicon.com
  652. Alun Jones Computer and Communications Eng 1973 waj@abb-sc.com
    ABB Systems Control, Santa Clara, California
  653. Cal Jones Philosophy 1988 Cal_jones@zd.com
    Reviews Editor on CGW, the UK edition of America's best-selling PC games machine.
  654. Derek Jones Computer Science 1979 100255.2261@compuserve.com
    back in Colchester (nearly) 20 years on
  655. Paul David Jones BSc Computing Science 1988 paulj@profund1.demon.co.uk
  656. Stephen Jones Government 1981 s.h.jones@gcal.ac.uk
    Wondering if anyone out there remembers me?
  657. Stuart Jones theoretical phsics 1967 stuart.jones@bigfoot.com
    Working for City Corporation, Singapore
  658. Choo Yuh Joo MSc Computer Studies 1990 ychoo@cisco.com
  659. Hay Yong Joo Anthony Msc Computer Science(AI) 1995 yjhay@pacific.net.sg
    Hi, anyone who knows me.. write! :)
  660. Lisa Anne Maria Jordon BA Economics 1997 lamj1@ukc.ac.uk
    Currently doing an MA in Development Economics at University of Kent
  661. Martyn Jordan BSc (hons) Biological Science 1996 martyn.jordan@lineone.net
    I'm now back in Colchester teaching science at Thomas, Lord Audley School. Hello to everybody 1993-96 and all URE types!
  662. Dudley James Joseph BEng Electronic Systems Engineering & Telecommunications 1997 d-joseph@usa.net
  663. Andrew Jukes History and Government 1995 Jukeav@essex.ac.uk
    Currently writing MA dissertation at Essex.
  664. Andrew John Jump IBST 1995 ajjump@iee.org.uk
    I am studying at Sussex University for a DPhil. My research topic is fault tolerant reconfigurable systems
  665. Paul Gunnar Kaati Government Gunnar.Kaati@socmed.umu.se
  666. Kamaruddin Yusoff BSc Biochemistry, PhD Biochemistry 1977,1981 kamarudd@medicine.med.um.edu.my
    Associate Professor, University Malaya Medical Centre
  667. Helen Kanellopoulou LLM European Community Law 1996 Hkanel@eexi.gr
  668. Reward Kangai BSc Electronic Engineering 1981 Reward.Kangai@zptc.co.zm
    Director External Plant, Posts & Telecommunication Corporation, Harare, Zimbabwe
  669. Yiannis Kapsoulakis MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 jkap@intranet.gr
  670. Anthony Karageorgos MSc Computer Science 1994 karageor@csd.auth.gr
    Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki
  671. Roukaya Kasenally Literature and Linguistics 1991 kasenaly%uni-mu.uucp@britain.eu.net
  672. Mohd Daud Kasmuni Computer and Microprocessor Systems (Essex 1983), MSc Mgt.Sci & Comp. Applications(Cranfield 1990) daud@mail.fsksm.utm.my
    Currently I am a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
  673. Theo J. Katapodis Sociology 1982 tjkatapodis@taunet.net.au
    The dream is still alive. God bless all Essex Uni. graduates.
  674. Phillip Edgar Katete Accounting and Financial Management 1994/95 pekatete@tesco.net
  675. George Katsanis Dip Computing Science 1997 gkatsa@essex.ac.uk
    Still at Essex University following a new course
  676. Nicholas Katsaros LLM European Community Law 1996 niclkat@hotmail.com
  677. Antonios Katsigiannis MSc Computer Science 1996 akatsi@pel.forthnet.gr
  678. Robert Keeley MSc Telecommunications & Information Systems 1996 CIS12e@dciseraf.demon.co.uk
    Project Manager, Ministry of Defence, RAF Brampton
  679. Peter Keene Government 1980 peter.keene@3wa.co.uk
  680. Jeremy (Jez) Keighley Literature 1981 jeremy.keighley@netherlands.ncr.com
    Poor but happy, healthy and about to become a father. Living in Amsterdam after 10 years in Vienna
  681. Kevin Kelly International Exchange program 1988 cnkkelly@aol.com
    Reside at 2305 Fernwood, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
  682. Sue Baines (née Kempa) Language(French) 1974 bainess@oup.co.uk
    After many years without gainful employment, now a casual worker for Oxford English Dictionary
  683. David Kendall BA Economics 1967 kendall@angliahb.se
  684. Dr John William Kennedy PhD Chemistry 1973 jkennedy@fsmail.pace.edu
    F.R.S.C K-M Research
  685. Lam Chin Keong BEngelecronic Engineering 1995 cklam@tmi.com.sg
  686. Ronan Kerleo MSc Computer Science 1994 rkerleo@netclic.fr
  687. Dennis Kwek Beng Kiat MA in Management Studies 1997 Dennis@camlann.demon.co.uk
    Doing my PhD in Management right now :)
  688. George Kladouchas MSc Telecommunication Systems 1981 gklad@dm.ote.gr
    Greek PTE (OTE), Resposible for design and radio link contracts in Greece
  689. Vassiliki Kollia Dip Political Science 1992 Isos2kob@auadec.aua.gr
  690. Dr Paul A. Konowicz Chemistry 1987 piquet@erols.com
    Currently working for biomedical company in New Joisey. Other stints sice UOE:- UEA PhD 1991 5 years in Trieste Italy. Finally made it back to the USA. Would be pleased to hear from old buddies from '87, both top and union bar crowd.
  691. Christos Kossidas MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1994 kosscu@telecom.ntua.gr
  692. KhairulAnuar Abd Halim B.A Language and Linguistic 1991 k.anuar@lancaster.ac.uk
    I am completing my masters program in Lancs Univ. Be back in Malaysia by October 1998.
  693. Haroon Khalid BA Economics 1991 hrkhalid@yahoo.com
  694. Thea Khamis Comparative Literature 1971 thea_khamis@derwentside.ac.uk
  695. Hussam Khammash MSc Computer Sciences 1989 h_khammash@yahoo.com
  696. Ajay Khandelwal MA Sociology 1994 khandelwal@msn.com
    nowadays living between north london and north india
  697. Antoine Khater BA Theoretical Physics '68, MSC Theoretical Physics '70, PhD Physics '72 1972 khater@aviion.univ-lemans.fr
    Dean, Graduate School of Sciences, Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France
  698. George Kiamos BSc Computer Architecture 1997 G.Kiamos@uea.ac.uk
    Wish I was there.Lovely time.Lovely people.Now postgraduate student at UEA studying Economics
  699. Julie Killbourn Literature/Sociology 1988 jkillbourn@sprynet.com
    Loving life in San Francisco!
  700. Rupert Ian Killik BSc Environmental Biology, MSc Computer Studies 1990, 1996 rkillik@vine.systems.co.uk
  701. Beverley Colley née King physics 1981 bev@essex.ac.uk
    At Essex working in Electronic Systems Engineering
  702. Jeff King Government 1984 PAYBACK@teleline.es
    Barcelona based - check out 'Tales From The Nou Camp' (Macmillan, September 2000) or dispatches in www.goalnetwork.com
  703. Dr. Matt King Chemistry BSc 1984 PhD 1987 matt.king@virgin.net
    Now living in Berkshire and working as a Marketing Consultant. Still harks back to those halcyon days of the Wivenhoe Run and Abbots Ale.
  704. Peter King Electronics 89 prk@ravenpark.com
  705. Phill King Computer Science 1999 phillking@england.com
    Wish I'd studied management so I could get paid more without having to know anything.
  706. Dr Stephen M King Chemistry 1985 smk@isise.rl.ac.uk
  707. David Kingsland Electronic Engineering 1973 david@newland.com
    Living in Canada, starting my own Web business, the Newland Group.
  708. Roger Kingsnorth BA Mathematics 1968 RogerKings@aol.com
  709. Graham Kinshott BA Politics and Economics 1991 graham.kinshott@ons.gov.uk
    Research Officer, Office for National Statistics
  710. Angelos Kiosklis BA Economics 1990 rtrsedit@mail.otenet.gr
  711. Jessica Kirchner Computer Science JYA:1989-1990 jessica.kirchner@yale.edu
  712. Justin Kirk BSc Physics 1996 kirkjd@essex.ac.uk
  713. Karthigesu Kiritharan BA(Hons)Accounting and Financial Management July 16 1999 kkirit@hotmail.com
    I had been enjoyed university life in university of Essex. Also i would like say Thanks for everyone in Department of Accounting,Finance& Management.
  714. Andrej Kirschke BA Economics 1994 andrej.kirschke@rothschild.co.uk
    Having graduated from the BA in Economics in 1994 I went on to do an MPhil in Economics at Oxford for 2 years. Since then I have been working in the investment banking division at Rothschild in London. Get in touch!
  715. Mary Kitchen Biological and Medicinal Chemistry 1993 mary_kitchen@hotmail.com
    Gave up on science and working in London for Reuters.
  716. Argyropoulou Konstantina MA Art History & Theory 1991 nadia@hau.gr
    Hellenic-American Union, Athens
  717. Irina Korovushkina Social History, MA 1995 ikorov@essex.ac.uk
    Started Phd at Essex this term
  718. Evi Kozakis MA Sociology 1998 evikoz@yahoo.com
    I'll never forget the year I was in Essex Uni. (Rowhedge Court)
  719. Alexandra Klein Lang and Ling (Erasmus) 1992 klein@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
  720. Ildi Clarke (née Kleisz) MA Ideology and Discourse Analysis 1984 c/o Clarkb@essex.ac.uk
    Has continued research in Political Theory
  721. Mike Knapp Biological Sciences 1983 Michael.Knapp@mail.sema.co.uk
  722. Kevin Knights BEng Elctronic Systems Engineering 1997 KKnights@Stormeur.demon.co.uk
    Software Engineer, Storm Central Systems Ltd, St Neotts, Cambridgeshire
  723. Graham Knock German Language and Linguistics 1995 gknock@compuserve.com
  724. Nikos Konstantinidis IKBS MSc 1989 konsn@matrix.kapatel.gr
  725. Valia Kordoni Language and Linguistics 1997 Korder@sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de
    I'm currently working as a computational linguistic at the University of Tuebingen in Germany
  726. Irina Korovushkina Social History (MA) 1995 ikorov@essex.ac.uk
    History Phd 1996/97
  727. Konstantinos Kontas MSc Computer Studies 1996 jader@hol.gr
  728. Ioannis Kostaras MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems, MA Management Studies 1996, 1997 ikosta@rocket.mail.com
  729. Hillary Koster History of Art, B.A. 1976 hillarykoster@sprintmail.com
    Now living in San Francisco, would like to hear from others from those times.
  730. Panagiotis Koukouzelis MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1987 pks@intranet.gr
  731. George Koulogiannis MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1996 gkoul@hol.gr
  732. Dimitris Kourkoulakos BA Economics 1997 kkour@tee.gr
  733. Spilios Kouvelis MA Political Behaviour 1995 kouvelis@yahoo.com
  734. Kleri Kouppa MA English Language Teaching 1996 kleri@zemon.logos.cy.net
  735. Wolfgang Kreutzer MA, LLM Law 1991, 1995 Wolfgang.kretuzer@t-online.de
  736. Karen Hanna Kruzycka MSc Computer Studies 1997 VIXEN@LSPACE.ORG
    Logica Uk, Consultant to Communications Elctronics Security Group, Government Communications Headquarters, Cheltenham
  737. Liz Xe, Kuan BA(Hons) Accounting and Financial Management 1999 lxkuan@hotmail.com
  738. Kiru Kulendiren BEng Sys Engineering 1991 Kiru.Kulendiren@comdev.ca
    Assistant to Vice-President of Engineering, COM DEV a Canadian Satellite technology company who specialize in multiplexers, filters and waveguaides. They build antennas for the Iridium System.
  739. Sunil Kumar Physics 1984 sunil@kumars.demon.co.uk
    Living and working in Kent, no longer in engineering, now helping people to learn.
  740. Noh Kyeongsook MSc in Computer Studies 1995 nksook@chollian.dacom.co.kr
  741. Constantinos A. Kyriacopoulos Law 1985 kyriacopoulos@cytanet.com.cy
  742. Ms Kyriaki-Pipitsa NOUSSIA Law 1998 kpnouss@otenet.gr, tzavnous@hotmail.com
    Really enjoyed my year in Essex and made some real friends . Unforgettable experience
  743. Tony Lacatena Computer Science 1993 tony@pasta.org
  744. Anthony Ladele BSc Mathematics, Computers & Communications 1992 lad@ieee.org
    GSM Design Consultant
  745. Mohan Ladharam Mathematics 1980 ladharam@mohado.com
  746. David Lambert Economics 1983 davidjlambert@yahoo.com
    Now living in Hong Kong - since 95. Married with two boys. Well and happy. Still in touch with many of the gang - Chris, Phil, Sue, Andy, YY.
  747. Karen Langdon BA Policy Making & Administration 1982 k.j.langdon@durham.ac.uk
    Senior Tutor at Durham University Business School
  748. Christian Langlois BSc Biological Sciences 1978 c.langlois@usa.net
  749. Leo Lapworth Psychology 1996 leo@squidge.demon.co.uk
    I run a mud,telnet cuckoo.wibble.org 4000 - I'm called ranguard.. pop in and say hi.
  750. Richard Larkman History and Government 1985 finarjl@vaxf.anglia.ac.uk
  751. Sarah Larmour BA Government 1995 sarah.Larmour@Falmouth.ac.uk
  752. Adrian Last BA History & Government 1980 adrian.last@crownestate.co.uk
    Working for the Crown Estate, London
  753. Arthur Last Chemistry 1968, PhD 1971 lasta@ucfv.bc.ca
  754. Assimina Lavrentaki BA, MA in Accounting and Financial Management 1997 alavre@otenet.gr
  755. Cedric Law BA in Economics 1994 cyslaw@netvigator.com
  756. Jason Laws Economics and Econometrics 1992 busjlaws@livjm.ac.uk
  757. Helen Leadbetter Philosophy 1990 Helen.Whewell@kmeuk.co.uk
    I know I;m terrible at keeping in touch, but I've reformed! Please contact me!
  758. Tan Lee-Ghee, Andrew Msc in Telecommunications and Information Systems 1995 tandrew@maxisnet.com.my
    Like to hear from my ex-classmates of 1995 =)
  759. Lee C H Electronic Engineering 1989 chlee@ppl.brunet.bn
  760. Jack William Lee physics 1969 jack@janmlee.freeserve.co.uk
    retired from teaching in 1997 - now on permanent holiday - wlthf others in that year particularly martin, andy, keith, peter, brian and anyone who remembers me
  761. Pei-Lin Lee MA Accounting and Financial Management 1996 P1200729@ms5.hinet.net
  762. Timothy Lee MSc in Telecommunication 1994 tlee@brooktree.com
  763. Jorge Amaro Ventura Leite MSc in Telecommunications Systems 1984 JorgeLeite@aol.com or Jorge.Leite@mot.com
    I am living in Germany for the past 13 years and I would like to be in contact again with the friends from 1983-1984 from Essex.
  764. Oh Ai Leng B.Sc. Computer and Communication Engineering 1978 ljmarvin@pacific.net.sg
  765. J Leong Data Communications 1996 jonleong@singnet.com.sg
  766. Josephine Leong M.Sc I.K.B.S. 1988 lyf@technet.sg
  767. Arni Leosson Sociology 1981 arni@vr.is
    Any "Victims" frisbee teamers out there? Go on , spin me some e-mail.
  768. Eng Tick Leow BSc Electronic Engineering 1980 1980 leow@worldnet.att.com
  769. Gary M Le Petit Literature 1980 gmlep@itl.net
  770. W.Lestari Biology/MSc 1995 lestari@gwdg.de
    I miss all of the wonderful moment in essex
  771. Vicky Lester Computing 1998 vlester@msxi-euro.com
  772. Andrew Leung BA Social Science, Accounting Finance & Management 1997 Andrew@a-vip.com
  773. Chin Wing Leung BSc Computer Science 1982 CLEUNG@QANTAS.COM.AU
    Consultant on payroll systems for Qantas Airways Ltd, New South Wales, Australia
  774. Thomas Sze King Leung B.A. in Economics 1992 samoht@netvigator.com
    Hi there! If you know me I'd like to hear from you! I'm now working in the financial services industry in Hong Kong.
  775. Barry Levene Philosophy 1988 barry.levene@westlondon.com
    would love to hear from any SXites out there who were there during the buzzin' years of 85-88...where are thee now?!
  776. Stefan Lewery Economics 1992 stefanl@ussinc.com
  777. David Lewis BSc Physics, MSD Chemistry, PhD Chemistry 1989, 1992, 1994 prsdl@bath.ac.uk
    CDFS, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  778. Rhenzi Li MA Applied Linguistics 1986 rzli@mailserv.stu.edu.cn
  779. Lawrence Liao BSc Electronic Engineering 1987 lliao@pacific.net.sg
  780. Sophus Lie-Nielsen MSc Computer Science 1973 sln@davinci.no
  781. Hanson Lieu MSc Computer Science 1995 hlieu@vmark.co.uk
    Vmark Software Ltd, Software Engineerl, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes
  782. Robert Lilley BA Government 1983 fulneckjnr@aol.com
  783. Lim, Teik Beng B.A. Economics 1998 teik.beng.lim@Intel.com
    Production Superintendent, Intel Technology Malaysia.
  784. Lin Lin Accounting and Financial Management 1995 l.lin@mbs.bbk.ac.uk
    Now, I am a Ph.D. student in Birkbeck College, University of London. Welcome contact me for academic discussion (in the field of finance) or just a pleasant chat.
  785. Marcus Lindemann Political Economy 1995/96 m_lindemann@hotmail.com
  786. Karin Linsmeier BA Economics 1994 arizona2000@home.com
    I worked as a mgt. consultant after my M.Phil. in Economics. Now after 9 years in England I have decided to move to Arizona to work for a pet food retailer !
  787. Anthony Littler Chemical Physics 1971 littler@tesco.net
    Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me.
  788. Aidan Littlewood IBST 1995 Aidan@post.com
    Working for Vodafone in Newbury
  789. Alexandra Livada PhD Economics 1988 livada@kronos.aueb.gr
  790. Daniel Livingstone MSc Computer Science 1995 livi-ci0@paisley.ac.uk
  791. Matthew Lloyd BA Government 1993 Matthew.Lloyd@Brewers.Bass.com
    Would llike to get in touch with Shireen K. Best wishes to cricket colleagues of 1990-1993.
  792. Gordon Lochhead Physics 1970 gordon@lochhead.co.uk
    Back in Scotland, sculpting.
  793. Stephen David Logan LL.M. in European Community Law 1994 stephen@logans.org
    I'm back in South Africa. Had a great time at Essex and would love to hear from my classmates and anyone else I knew at Essex.
  794. Maria Logotheti LL.B, LL.M in International Human Rights Law 1999 maria_logotheti@hotmail.com
  795. Philipp Lohan Economics 1995 lohanp@hotmail.com
    If anyone knows of Kris Jurek's whereabouts, get in touch!
  796. Pieter Jan Hein Lokker Gallery Studies and Art History 1997 lokkerpj@hotmail.com
  797. Daniel Lopez MA International Economics 1996 daniel.lopez@barclayscapital.com
    Very fond memories of what were four memorable years. Currently living la vida loca working for a British Bank in Miami.
  798. Gerry Lopez B.SC and Ph.D Physics 1987 lopez@mail.desy.de
    enjoying life in hamburg - best wishes to all
  799. Edward Lord BA Public Policy & Public Management 1994 c.e.lord@city.ac.uk
    Having given up the idea of a political career, I'm now Director of Development at City University in London and happily living in the Barbican
  800. Philip Lord Economics 1979 lord@inf.net.au
    Living in Australia since 1985, currently in Perth WA. Working in IT.
  801. Julian Lorkin Computing 1991 co601jrl@gold.ac.uk
    Ex-PC of URE. Now working in radio in London.
  802. Marina Loskoutova Diploma Social History 1995 loskouto@sirius.ceu.hu
  803. Brendan Loughlin Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1989 b.loughlin@uk.ac.qub
  804. Sophie Lovejoy Psychology 1995 sophie@essex.ac.uk
    Okay, okay, so I never left....they gave me a good job though!
  805. Niels Lowensen MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 nLowen@idealcom.net.gr
    Network Administrator, Athens, Greece
  806. Richard Lown Economics 1971 colchigh@rmplc.co.uk
  807. Sze-Ching Lu B.Sc. EE (Computer Engineering) 1983 sclu@yahoo.com
    Currently working on system design for ICO Global Communications, UK.
  808. Richard Lucy Government 1995 richard.millennium@dial.pipex.com
    Currently the Practice Manager in charge of PeopleSoft, CRM. Living in Blackheath.
  809. Peter James Lukes Chemistry 1985 PJLukes@netcom.co.uk
    What are you doing now?
  810. Cephas Lumina LLM International Human Rights Law 1993 C.Lumina@mailbox.gu.edu.au
    Have completed PhD in Law at Griffith University, Australia and currently Research Officer at Griffith University.
  811. Elizabeth Dotimas Lunn BSc Biological Chemistry BSc 1982, PhD 1986 elunn@nedhmail.nedh.harvard.edu
  812. Andy Lunness Artificial Intelligence 1994 andyl@perihelion.co.uk
  813. Trevor Lunt Economics 1983 tlunt.gol@go-regions.gov.uk
    Joined the civil service in 1984 and still here!! Nice to see Tranmere Rovers have done so well this season.
  814. Stephen Lupi BA Government 1987 stephen.Lupi@bbc.co.uk
    Working for the BBC, London
  815. Jim Lynch Maths 1973 100613.1302@compuserve.com
  816. Adrian Lyons BA Economics and Government 1983 a.j.lyons@bton.ac.uk
  817. Alison Macfarlane Sociology 1969 alisonbennett@ashbydlz.freeserve.co.uk
  818. Iain Mackenzie Math and Computer Science 1979 iain@rytech.com
    Living in the US since 1983. Drop me a line if you remember me.
  819. Justine Mackey Art History 1990 jayem@northrock.bm
    Taking things east in Bermuda
  820. Victoria Macklin Computer Science 1996 victoriam@syslogic.co.uk
    Worked for Barnardos 19 months now working for small software house in London.
  821. Greg Maguire BSc Electronics 1975 gregory_j_maguire@ccmail.ed.ray.com
    Working in the States. Married Judi (Haggitt) and we have 2 kids. Like to hear from anybody who remembers us.
  822. Mohamed Nazri Mahmud ESE 1996 nazri@telekom.com.my
  823. Heather Maisner (now Bateman) comparative studies Russian lit. 1968 hmbateman@compuserve.com
  824. Andy Malcolm Computer engineering 1978 andy@pinacl.co.uk
  825. Manolis Malliarakis Essex The best UK university 1992 BEng Electronic Systems Engineering malliara@forthnet.gr
  826. Fiona Mallin U.S. Studies 1993 fiona.mallinrobinson@opera-australia.org.au
  827. David Mallinson BSc Maths and Oper Research 1996 mal@real.com
    Technical Support for Europe, Progressive Networks (American Company)
  828. Steve Maltby history/sociology 1994 dogstar4@ntlworld.com
    anyone who remembersthe Eddington 7?
  829. Joni Michael Mammela Law (hons.) 1999 joni_michael@hotmail.com
  830. Lucas Maneos Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) 1994 lm@quiet.demon.co.uk
  831. Yannis Maniatis MSc Opto-Electronics, PhD Physics 1973, 1976 maniatis@ims.ariadne-t.gr
    Director, Laboratory of Archaeometry of the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Deputy Director of the Institute of Materials Science of the same Centre.
  832. Clinton Manick Government/Sociology 1985 amanick@carib-link.net
    Looking forward to hearing from my fellow students !
  833. Carrie-Ann Mann Physics 1999 carrie@fsys.co.uk
    Currently living in Colchester, but working in London as a I.T. Systems Engineer/Programmer.
  834. Stephen Mann BA Literature 1982 S.J.Mann@aston.ac.uk
    Teaching Fellow, Aston University (Post-grad teacher education)
  835. John Marriott Art History and Theory 1979 jsm45848@ggr.co.uk
  836. Brian Martin Computer Science 1989 ErikTFish@AOL.COM
  837. Stephen James Martin applied physics 1977 bigboulder@compuserve.com
    Flying for British Airways, living in Devon
  838. Kirk Martinez PhD Electronic Systems Engineering 1988
  839. Linda Marveng MA Art History and Theory, History & Theory of Architecture 1996 100536.2404@compuserve.com
    Assistant Business Development Manager, Benoy Ltd, London
  840. Martin Mason Mathematics & French 1996 masoms@usa.net
  841. Rob Massara BA,PhD, ESE 1972,1977 rob@essex.ac.uk
  842. Ellyza Mastura1998 ahelly@hotmail.com
  843. Enie Matsagou M.A. Literature 1981 enie@otenet.gr
    Now a language school in Greece
  844. Rebecca Matsas PhD Chemistry 1980 rmatsa@mail.pasteur.gr
  845. Akemi Matsuzaki Computational Linguistics 1990 SS113807@notes.osa.sharp.co.jp
    I was known to be"Kim" and I work for Sharp Corporation in Japan. Please keep in touch!
  846. John Matthews Biology 1989 jmatthews@uk.wctrials.com
    Directory in Clinical Research, recently became a dad and working in London
  847. Ruben João de Sousa Lapa Baptista Maximiano English and European Law 1996 rlapamaximiano@ip.pt
  848. Steven R May Computer Science 1989 srm@netmgrs.co.uk
  849. Ziggy (A.B.) MacDonald BA Economics 1990 abm1@le.ac.uk
    Now lecturer in CBL in Economics at Leicester Uni plus doing PhD in Illicit Markets
  850. Deborah McAvoy (née Muckle) BA United States Studies 1989 Dmcavoy@mtholyoke.edu
    Director of The Sports and Dance Facility, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts USA B
  851. George McConville BSc. Computer Engineering 1975 kvggeorge@aol.com
    Hi everyone, I've been working in the USA 19 years in the Software Consulting business - married with 11 (eleven) children (from 2 former marriages). I reside in Arizona, where the weather is nice and warm. Any old pals, drop me an email.h has
  852. John McCormack Comp. Government 1991 Jmccorm982@aol.com
  853. Louise McGuane Philosophy and Literature19978 mcguanel@RuderFinn.comm
    I hightailed it to the US after the Summer Ball to pursue the wgole dot com internet thing. Now I'm living in Manhattan working in public relations. Avon Way Bar crowd drop me a line. Is Gus Wilson really a Professional Burgklar now? Ha ha ha ha ha.
  854. Ann McGuinness Biological Chemistry 1981 mcguinn@ihug.co.nz
    I'm a Pharmacist living in NZ.I'd like to hear from anyone who I studied (or party'd ) with '78-'81
  855. Lauren McInnes Language Studies 1996 neil_worton@compuserve.com
    Now living in Derby and working for British Midland.
  856. Karen McIntyre English and Euro Literature 1993 KMcIntyre@chelt.ac.uk
  857. Neil McKenzie Physics WLT 1988 t9502657@hud.ac.uk
    aka "Kenzie"
  858. John McLaughlin Economics 1972 john.mclaughlin@dfee.gov.uk
  859. Michael G. McLaughlin Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 michael@paragon.ie
    Systems Consultant, Paragon Group, Dublin
  860. James McLean Literature 1991 101712.2420@compuserve.com
    Is there anyone out there?
  861. Vicky McLeod Language & Linguistics 1987 victoria@bgkt.freeserve.co.uk
    Labour party activist in Kent.2+2.call me.
  862. Sean McLoughlin MBA 1990 smcloughlin@compuserve.com
  863. Vince McMahon AFE 1985 vince.mcmahon@schroders.com
    Living in Luxembourg and happy to hear from any old 8-ball players
  864. Gavin McNair Bsc Biochemistry 1995 gavin@meep.org
    Working in London for Interactive Investor, drop me an email....
  865. Jayne A McNaughton Linguistics and Language Pathology 1980 jayne@u.genie.co.uk
    Keen to hear from old friends.
  866. Neill David McQuillin Electronic Engineering 1984 nmcquillin@hotmail.com
  867. Luis Medina-Pena MA Latin American Government and Politics 1971 lmedinap@conecta.com.mx
  868. Keith Paul Meehan Biological Sciences 1981 keith_meehan@3igroup.com
    So long ago! Anyone out there remember it?
  869. Greg Meekings Computer Studies 1974 greg@meekings.co.uk
    Does anybody remember Jill & I !
  870. Jill Meekings Mathematical Economics 1974 jill@meekings.co.uk
    See Greg's!
  871. Stuart Meese Philosophy 1993 windsurfer@stumeese.freeserve.co.uk
    Teaching outdoor ed and living with Claire Lucey
  872. Karan Mehta MA Financial and Business Economics 1997 karanmehta@hotmail.com
    If you remember me, get in touch !
  873. Carlos Melendez MA TEFL 1993 cmelende@campus.gda.itesm.mx
  874. Javier Mendoza Computer Science 1994 mendozaj@vw.com.mx
    Hoping to hear from anybody at Essex in 92-93
  875. Nicola Mends BA (hons) Politics 1998 nicola_mends@yahoo.com
    Currently working for a Blue Chip financial services company as an e-commerce communications developer. Studying for CIM.
  876. Anthony Wesley Meneaugh Law 1999 am360@cam.ac.uk
    Now doing Mathematics PGCE at Homerton college Cambridge
  877. Soh Lee Meng MSc Computer Science 1990 kensoh@pacific.net.sg
    Back in homeland (Singapore) for quite a while. Any long lost pals welcomed.
  878. William Meshell BSc Physics 1991
  879. Daniel Messing Computer Science 1974 dmessing@datamar.com.ar
  880. Les Miller Computer Science1979 lesm@sco.com
  881. Anthony G. Millett Sociology 1979 100443,3164@compuserve.com
    Still live and work in Essex
  882. Patrick Mills B.Sc., M.Sc. Computer Science 1995, 1996 millph@essex.ac.uk
    Still here! Where is everybody!!
  883. Rod Mills Economics 1971 rod.mills@ac.com
    Now working at Andersen Consulting in London - what was that about old dogs and new tricks?
  884. Steve Mills Electronic Engineering 1988 mills@BTInternet.com
    Married with one son, living on the edge (of the New Forest)
  885. John Mitsianis BEng Computers & Networks 1999 jmitsianis@hotmail.com
    Will start an MSc in Information Security at Royal Holloway from September '99.
  886. Bill Yuk Chuen Mo MSc Computer Studies 1992 billy_mo@vandagroup.com
    I am currently working in Hong Kong
  887. Ioannis Modeas MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1995 imodeas@di.uoa.gr
  888. Hosein Mohamadzade BSc Electronic Engineering 1982 haseinz@lsil.com
    Integrated circuits and systems consultant, LSI Logic Europe
  889. Zainudin Mohamed Economics 1996 zmohd73@hotmail.com
  890. Tamas Molontay M.A. Financial and Business Economics 1992 molontay@mail.matav.hu
    Hi friends, I'd be glad to hear from you...
  891. Jacques Monasch MA Political Economy 1989 monasch.jacques@Pvda.nl
    Director of Policy, Research and Campaign of the Dutch Labour Party. Is now running for office.
  892. Murray Montgomery Economics 1980 cimurray@itl.net
    Living in Jersey, C.I.for 11 years. Lost touch with most old friends from Essex - anyone out there?
  893. Timothy Mooney PhD Philosophy 1997 TIMOON@MACOLLAMH.UCD.IE
    College Lecturer, Dept of Philosophy, University College Dublin
  894. Trevor Moores MSc Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems 1988 ismoor@cityu.edu.hk
    Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong
  895. Clifton "Skipper" Moran Government (M.A.) 1994 smoran@minerva.cis.yale.edu
  896. Antony Morgan BSc Chemistry 1995 tmorgan@KIl.MHS.compuserve.com
    Selling advertising for the Paul Ryamond magazine group.
  897. Philip Morgan BA Language & Linguistics 1993 pgwyn@hotmail.com
  898. Stephen Morgan Mathematics 1976 toltec@cadvision.com
  899. Graham Morris ('Grey Morris') Literature 1969 GrahamMorris@stroudc.demon.co.uk
  900. Lisa Marie Morris M.A. - Literature- Drama 1996 (last year /95) morrisl@wierfoulds.com
    A rocky year post graduation. Found unplanned foothold in law and have kept that up since. Working to live to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A few theatre projects to speak of since graduating - one collaboration with Jennifer Sokolov. The state of theatre in North America is sad but every now and then, something inspires. Essex was my last true numinous theatrical experience. Those who were a part of it know who you are and will probably understand my unconditional/irrational love for you all. To my Walton Court flatmates (esp. Jens, Vilana, Ramona, Ehud & Miki, Yassine & Charlotte, Raymond, Sara) I miss you and smile cause of all the fun! Sveiks, Nu?
  901. Malcolm Morrison Computer Studies 1996 mwmorr@mi.leeds.ac.uk
  902. Konstantinos Moschovis MSc Physics of Laser Communication 1995 kmos@iesl.forth.gr
    Researcher, Foundation for Research and Technology-HELLAS, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, Crete
  903. Adam D. Moss Computer Science 1995 adam@foxbox.org
    Now a consultant with uunet/pipex. Yerf!
  904. Michael Moulsdale MSc Computer Studies 1996 michael@pareto-partners.co.uk
    IT Associate, Pareto Partners, 271 Regents Street, London
  905. Michael Moutafidis BA Economics/Government 1991 mouta@spark.net.gr
  906. Catherine Moutell BA History 1995 cmoutell@manor.net
    Administrator, Manorial Society of Great Britain
  907. Imran Muhammad-Yusof BA (Hons) Economics 1995 imran@pc.jaring.my
    I'm now a treasury dealer for a leading commercial bank, and quite good at it too, if I do say so myself! 8-)
  908. Anil Mukerjee MSc Telecommunications Systems 1984 amukerjee@hotmail.com
    Currently in San Francisco, California
  909. Michael Mullan Latin American Politics ca 1982 michael.mullan@upn.co.uk
    has now left Bradford U, working at Yorkshire Eve Post as business corr
  910. Paul Gavin Mulligan biological science 1996 pgm3@ukc.ac.uk
    now doing an MSc in biotechnology at Kent
  911. Nick Munro Computer Science (Sys Arch.) 1998 nick@sxc.co.uk
    Now a support engineer for a consultancy in Kent, pretending he knows what he's doing.
  912. Simon Murray Computer Engineering 1976 simon_murray@HP-UnitedKingdom-om4.om.hp.com
    Up in Edinburgh marketing telecom systems for Hewlett-Packard
  913. Richard Muttett Computer Science 1993 richard.muttett@alisonassociates.com
  914. Nad Mylvaganam BSc Electronic Engineering 1985 Nad_Mylvaganam@uk.ibm.com
  915. Iraj Naghashzadeh Telecommunication Systems 1978 naghash@altavista.com>Now in Los Angeles
  916. Samuel F. Nahmias LLM European Law 1996 nahmilaw@spark.net.gr
    Family Law firm, established in 1930 based in Thessaloniki Greece
  917. Chrysostomos Nakassis Computer Science 1991 cnaka@intranet.gr
  918. Nicholas Napp Theoretical Physics 1992 nick@rainbo.com
    Moved on...Working for a cool game company and producing a TV show in sunny Arizona. Boy, sure using that Physics knowledge - NOT!
  919. Rodrigo Naranjo MA Financial Economics 1996 banextnj@internet.bov.co.cr
    Financial analyst, Corporacion Banex, San Jose, Costa Rica
  920. Peter Nash Philosophy 1998 Pete@merkin3000.fsnet.co.uk
    Thanks to all those who stood by me on the way out the closet, get back in touch soon
  921. Nasser Nassiri MSc, Computer Studies 1986 nasser.nassiri@hct.ac.ae
    Lecturer at the Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Women's College
  922. Ezra Nathan BA Literature 1972 101627.3611@CompuServe.com
  923. Annemarie Naylor Politics And Sociology 1998 annemarie.naylo@virgin.net
    Still at the uni in the dept. of sociology doing my PhD
  924. Amanda Ndupuechi ESE Dept Graduated July 1997 Andupuechi@cwnet.com
    Where are all my crew members?
  925. Robert Neil I.K.B.S. 1991 R.Neil@canterbury.ac.uk
  926. John Neilson Environmental Biology 1987 JNei240160@aol.co.uk
    What happened to all the Top Bar crowd
  927. David Nelson Literature 1992, 1997 sydney@nme.com
    Currently alive and stranded.
  928. Keith G Nelson Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence 1995 K.Nelson@tarragon-et.co.uk
  929. Laurence Mark Newell Physics 1976, 1981 newelllm@boat.bt.com
    Working in multimedia and Internet at BT. I'd like to hear from anyone who can remember me! (01473) 645121
  930. David Newton BA Economics 1980 David.Newton@Heatric.com
  931. Kevin Newton Economics 1992 106246.305@compuserve.com
    A Yorkshireman trapped in London
  932. Keung-Yiu Ng BEng Electronic Systems Engineering 1996 Kkyng@pacific.net.sg
  933. Abd Aziz Ngah B.Sc Physics 1981 abdaz@pc.jaring.my
  934. Bernard Nguang MSc Computer Science 1996
  935. Darrell Nicholas French & Linguistics 1995 darrell.nicholas@mgmcc.co.uk
  936. Lay-Kong Nie Economics 1979 phnie@arches.uga.edu
    I have got the same man and am doing well in Atlanta.
  937. Mary Beth Nierengarten philosophy 1986 mbeth@visi.com
  938. Ng Chai Chung, Philip Computer and Communication Engineering 1980 ccpng@hkstar.com
    Hello, every one! Please send me your information for those who know me!!
  939. David Nichol Computing Science 1981 David.Nichol@punchgroup.co.uk
  940. Darrell Nicholas French & Linguistics 1995 darrell.nicholas@mgmcc.com
  941. Paul Nickles BA Accnt & Finan Management 1995 Nickpx@waikato.ac.nz
  942. Alexandra Nikiforidou MA Gallery Studies 1990 alex@fhw.gr
  943. Keith Blakemore-Noble BSc Electronic Engineering (Comp and Micro) 1988 keith@amiga.u-net.com
  944. Iain Noble Government and Sociology (USSR) 1972 iain.noble@dfee.gov.uk
  945. Julian Nolan EE 1991 jnolan@crl.co.uk
    starting own company soon !
  946. Abdul Aziz Mohd Nor Law 1991 aziz1188@ppp.nasionet.net
  947. Trudy Norbury BEng Electronic Systems Eng 1996 tnorbury@cisco.com
  948. Neil Norman Chemistry 1968 nnorman@tarmac.co.uk
    Hopeless Chemist, good Fencer and a DJ at Essex Discos (Remember the DJ Experience?)
  949. Philippa Norwood Art History & Theory 1985 philippa.norwood@tussauds-studios.com
  950. Dorian Notman History 1988 mnsdmn@management.bath.ac.uk
  951. Khaled Nuseibeh Electronics systems engineering 98 knusei@homemail.com
    Doing an Msc In Data communications at Kingston university
  952. Shane O Brien IBST 1994 obrif@eircom.net
    Drop us a line, Or drop in if your in the West Of Ireland
  953. Alan Ocana MA financial economics 1997 aocana@london.edu
  954. Ben Ochan BSc Computer Science 1997 ochabx@cwcom.net, bochan@globix.com
    Moved from BT's Lineone and now Network Systems Administrator for Globix.
  955. Ian O'Connor B.Eng. Electronic Systems Engineering 1990 ian.oconnor@ec-lyon.fr
    Now a lecturer at Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
  956. Neil O'Gorman MA Western European Politics 1993 neilogorman@yahoo.com
    PR Consultant, PR Agency, Dublin
  957. Adebisi Ogundogba BA Accounting and Financial Managememt 1997 bisi_ogundogba@yahoo.com
  958. Tadashi Okabe ESE 1994Msc, 1996Mphil okabe@comnet.ccrdc.gr.jp
    Tokyo Electric Power Company
  959. Rosemary Rosenthal (née O'Kane) BA Government 1970 pob19@Keele.ac.uk
  960. Ben Ochan BSc Computer Science 1997 OCHABX@MCMAIL.COM
    Help Desk Technical Assistant, BT, Lineone Internet Service
  961. William Okelo-Odongo Computer Science 1983? wokelo@ken.healthnet.org
    I'm his brother and I'm not sure when he graduated - you can send email to the address above for more info
  962. Eugene Okyere-Yeboah BSc Mathematics 1987 eugene/yeboah@ubs.com
    Working as a Quantitative Equity Strategist with Union Bank of Switzaerland, Tokyo.
    Would like to hear from anyone that remembers me, the incredibly good looking black guy who used to pump weights
  963. Susan Oldfield Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 oldfield@roborough.gpsemi.com
  964. Charlotte Oldham Literature 1991 gort@cix.compulink.co.uk
  965. Nigel Olding Biological Sciences 1978 n_olding@hotmail.com
    nod if you can hear me
  966. Mark Oliver Computer Science 1995 marko@syslogic.co.uk
    Working as a consultant in London
  967. Marialexa Olivera MA Applied Linguistics 1998 molivera@essex.ac.uk
    After completing my degree, I went back to Cuba for 10 months, and then returned to the UK. I am now teaching Spanish at the Univ. of Essex. I would love to see any of my old classmates. So please, get in touch!!
  968. Victor O Olumekun Biology 1993 vitoson@alpha.linkserve.com
    Senior Lecturer at the Ondo State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
  969. John O'Neill Philosophy and Politice 1998 john@merkin3000.fsnet.co.uk
    I wish that I had studied American Studies with Joanna Bickmore
  970. Roger W S Ong M.Sc in Computer Science(AI) 1995 ongws@stee.com.sg
    Drop me a mail and I would reply as soon as possible
  971. Sonny C. Onyegbula LLM in International Human Rights Law October 1998 sconye@cddnig.org
    studying for LLM programme in International Human Rights Law at Essex was my life long fulfilment
  972. Bryan Osbon Philosophy 1976 actionvillageindia@lineone.net
    Where are you all you now?
  973. Debbie Osborne Psycholinguistics 1996 Debbie.Osborne@uwe.ac.uk
    Got a mortage, living in Bristol working as Education Liaison Adviser at The University of the WEST of ENGLAND
  974. Jonathan Osborne MBA 1995 jon@parmenidies.keme.co.uk
    I am working for Climate Changer Software
  975. Phil O'Shea Comparative Studies/literature 1977 philoshea10@hotmail.com
    what ever did happen to....?
  976. Roshan Osman Accounting and Financial Management 1993 kasenaly%uni-mu.uucp@britain.eu.net
  977. Soraya Osman Accounting and Financial Management 1991 kasenaly%uni-mu.uucp@britain.eu.net
  978. Christopher John Ottley PhD Chemistry 1992 C.J.OTTLEY@DURHAM.AC.UK
    Experinmental Officer, University of Durham, in the department of Geological Sciences
  979. David Stephen Owen MA Government and Politics 1983 sowen@ziggy.wpcc.cc.ne.us
  980. Steven Owen Government 1982 sowen@ziggy.mpcc.ne.us
    Welsh fella now teaching in Nebraska. Who knew? Other e-mail address invalid
  981. Meilir Page-Jones BA Theoretical Physics 1974 MEILIR@COMPUSERVE.COM
    Running a small software consulting company
  982. John Pagonis MSc & BEng Computers and Networks, ESE 1997,1998(MSc) Pagonis@computer.org
  983. Richard Palmer Law 1992 richardpalmer@email.msn.com
    Still working in Insurance in City, but have moved back to Colchester.
  984. Dipti Pandya Government 1993 dpandya@tcd.ie
  985. Chin Yang Pang MSc Comm Software Management 1996 chin.y.pang@exxon.sprint.com
    Systems analyst, Esso Singapore PTE Ltd,Communications Software Management
  986. Felix Pang Economics 1978 felixp@pc.jaring.my
  987. Melina Papaconstantinou MA Applied Linguistics 1984 mp@pfi.kav.forthnet.gr
  988. Lucas Papaleontiou AFM 1990 infoland@logos.cy.net
  989. Sophia Papanastassiou MA Literature 1994 papako@delta1.elea.gr
  990. Porsanidi Paraskevi MA Comparative History 1995 alampasi@hol.gr
  991. Jeff Parr Theoretical Physics 1976 jeffparr@rex.u-net.com
    Sailing where ever a fair wind takes the boat, Writing the odd programm to pay for the lifestyle
  992. Peter Partington BA,PhD Chemistry 1967 parting@dircon.co.uk
    Runs Ross Connaught White management consultancy
  993. Ifty Parvaz M.Sc Physics of Laser Communications 1995 iparvaz@ntlworld.com
    Now working in IT believe it or not. Like to say hi to all those people I met at Essex
  994. Stephen Richard Pasek Sociology 1972 pasek@globalnet.co.uk
  995. Puneet Pasricha Masters Accounting and Financial Economics 1996 pasha@bom2.vsnl.net.in
    Was an Indian who was one of the most livliest and known characters on campus.
  996. Jasu Patel MA Accounting & Finance Management 1998 JASU_Patel@Panban.com
    Futures Desk, PARIBAS, London
  997. Liza Patel Economics 1994 liza_patel@karmaint.com
    To anyone who cares, yes I am still living and would love to hear from old friends.
  998. M C Patel Electronics 1975 mc@slatecage.co.uk
  999. Dr. Nandish V. Patel Policy Making and Administration 1982 nandish.patel@brunel.ac.uk
    Like to meet anyone I knew. Where are you Angela Esftratiou?
  1000. Asterios Paternas MSc Computer Science 1997 pkokorde@math.auth.gr
    Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science in Technical Schools
  1001. Ioannis Patounas BSc in Software Engineering 1998 jpatou@yahoo.com
    Microsoft Certified Professional
  1002. Charles Pauncefort BA United States Studies 1992 106310.46@compuserve.com
  1003. Michelle Payne Sociology 1991 pah468@aol.com
    Now working at the London Stock Exchange
  1004. Adrian Pearce B.Eng. Electronic Systems Engineering 1990 aenp.tecmic@taguspark.pt
    Working in Lisbon, Portugal since graduation
  1005. Simon Pearce Computing Science 1976 spearce@powerserve.com.au
    Still in sunny Sydney - survivied Y2K
  1006. Tim Pearson Philosophy 1987 pearsonbrown@cwcom.net
    I'm currently HR Manager at Hull University Union
  1007. Trevor Pearson BSc Computing Science 1989 trevp@lds.co.uk
  1008. Rikke Paik Pedersen Law 1996 rp.jur@cbs.dk
  1009. Chrysis Pegasiou BA Accounting, Finance and Economics - MSc Financial and Business Economics 2000 pegasiou@hotmail.com
    I am currently a trainee chartered accountant working for KPMG in Nicosia
  1010. Wei Li Pek Electronic Systems Engineering 1997 wei-li_pek@hp.com
    I'm now working Hewlett Packard as Procurement Engineer. Would like to know where's Jo Hopkins.
  1011. Nur Azam Anuarul Perai Economics 1995 azam@Affin-UOB.com.my
  1012. Jeremy Perkins BA Economics 1968 jwp@aber.ac.uk
    Computer Support Manager, University of Wales, Aberysywth
  1013. David Michael Peters Electronic Engineering 1984 dave@dpsoftware.co.uk
    Now running my own software company. If anyone remembers me, do get in touch.
  1014. David Peters BSc Electronic Engineering (Comp & Micro) 1984 dave@dpsoftware.demon.co.uk
    Running own software company developing and selling Windows software for needlework
  1015. Borislav Petranov Human Rights Law 1992 petranov@vax.ox.ac.uk
  1016. Khaleel I. Petrus ESE 1987 khaleelp@hotmail.com
    Currently Assis. Prof. at Applied Science University - Jordan
  1017. Dave Pettit Statistics and OR 1970 davepettit@hotmail.com
  1018. Petrohilos Michael MSc Computer Studies 1985 petrochilo@isoft.intranet.gr
  1019. Paul Simon Philbey History and Government 1994 pphilbey@yahoo.com
    Going down the Boundary Road to see the Essex Aces! EUFC 91-94.
  1020. Paul Phua Electronics 1987 paulphua@singapore.tt.slb.com
  1021. Jude Pike BA English Language and Linguistics 1993 jtalbot@5nrd.freeserve.co.uk
    Married Chris Talbot (IBST 1993) now full time mum to Abigail and loving it!
  1022. Michael Pilitsis MSc in Computer Studies 1992 mpilitsis@otenet.gr
  1023. Liz Platt Accounting and Financial Management 1997 elizabeth.platt@gecm.com
    Currently working for GEC Marconi studying for my CIMA exams.
  1024. David Plomgren History 1991 atilla@us.ibm.com
  1025. George Polenakis MA Economics 1989 gpolen@hol.gr
  1026. Veronica Polin Economics 1998 veronik_polin@hotmail.com
    I studied for Msc in Economics in 1998. It was a beautiful experience. Now I am a researcher in an Italian Research Institute in Rome, but probably I'll go back in Essex for PhD!
  1027. George Polomarkakis MA Financial & Business Economics 1993 gpolom@netor.gr
  1028. Ivan Pong BA Economics 1983 ivanpong@netvigator.com
  1029. Stuart Pool Study of Contemporary Japan 1997 stuart@kan.co.uk
  1030. Ben Poole United States Studies 1999 ben_poole@yahoo.com
    Big shout out to hockey past and present
  1031. Mark Geoffrey Pothecary BA Economics1997 Mark@Denplan.co.uk
    Claims Administration Assistant, Denplan Ltd, Winchester
  1032. Philip Potter BSc Electronic Engineering 1984 PPott759@aol.com
  1033. Panicos Poullis Economics 1991 infoland@logos.cy.net
  1034. David Powell Computer Science 1998 david@mad.scientist.com
  1035. Sarah Powell Chemistry 95, 97 (PhD) sarah.powell@imagination.co.uk
    Living in London, would be pleased to hear from anyone who knew me.
  1036. Patrick Power applied linguistics 1995 atecpower@aol.com
    if in Taiwan look me up
  1037. Omar Pozan Microbiology (MSc) 1985 omar@fsas.upm.edu.my
    Friends all over the world especially in Biology and those in William Morris 9 please contact me!!!
  1038. Richard Laurence Pratt Computer and Communications Engineering 1972 rlp@globalnet.co.uk
    Steve Sears, where are you?
  1039. John Prescott TPBS 1994 John_Prescott@AMAT.COM
    Eventually married Jane Flannery (Law94)and we are now living the American dream in Silicon Valley
  1040. Dr. Thomas Preston Government 1987 tpreston@wsunix.wsu.edu
    Dept. Political Science, Washington State University, USA
  1041. Wayne Pretorius PhD Computer Science 1992 wayne@aoni.co.uk
  1042. Charlotte Wilkinson Prior Gallery Studies MA 1993 cprior@mcl.com.hk
  1043. Anthony Procopi Economics 1996 antsp@aol.com
    Living and working in London. If you remember me from those Essex days then drop me a line.
  1044. Ian Procter PhD Chemistry 1968 capec0ast@aol.com
    Now run a small project management consultancy in Lancashire
  1045. Chris Proudfoot Law 1996 cproudfo@uk.oracle.com
    Now living in Reading, working in IT for the Oracle Corporation...if you knew me during those crazy Essex days get in touch!
  1046. Dr. Miltiades Psallidopoulos Biological Chemistry 1976 mpsallid@nabi.com
    Currently in the USA and looking for old friends
  1047. Constantinos Psaltis Computer Science 1992 cpsaltis@spidernet.com.cy
    IT Support Manager at MEMRB International
  1048. David Quast Government 1991 hillflack@aol.com
    living/working in Washington, D.C. area at free-market think tank (Cato Institute) and attending Georgetown University Law School
  1049. Michael Quigley BA Physics 1969 michael@mquigley.freeserve.co.uk
  1050. Haleema Jazmin Quill MA Human Rights 1996 D0106622@infotrade.co.uk
  1051. Julie Bennett (nee Quince) BA Modern Languages & Linguistics 1992 JulieBennett@hotmail.com
    Currently living in Hong Kong, returning to the UK in June 1999
  1052. Glenda Quinitni MA in Economics 1996 g.quintini@lse.ac.uk
    After studying in Essex I studied a PhD in Economics at the University of Oxford. Currently I am working in the L.S.E. Centre for Economic performance.
  1053. John Rabson Electrical Engineering 1975 word.factory@zetnet.co.uk
  1054. Andy Race Comp Sci BSc 1985 arace@cix.compulink.co.uk
  1055. Prabha Govindswamy (née Ramaprasad) Economics 1993 HowZattt@aol.com
  1056. Babu Mizanur Rahman Government 1993 bbr94@msn.com
    Now working as a Senior Research Officer at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  1057. M. Sai Rahman Economics & Government 1980 mrahman@lehman.com
    Lehman Brothers - Working in Japan - Love to hear from long lost friends
  1058. Ruzaidah Abdul Rahman Accounting & Financial Mgmt 1994 idah_bees@yahoo.com
  1059. Akbar Rahmatullah BSc Telecommunications Engineering 1981 akbar.rahmatullah@hct.ac.ae
  1060. Gopal Ram MA Theory & Pracice of Human Rights 1996 a7602819@unet.univie.ac.at
    JUS Academy, Studying Austrian Law, Vienna, Austria
  1061. Shirlie Ramsay Literature & Art History 1991 shirlie@cableinet.co.uk
    Married to Tony Foster(LLb English and French Law, 1994) - we now have a son Ben (aged 18 months) and another baby due in October. Best wishes to all old friends at Essex.
  1062. Mark Ranford MSc IKBS 1987 ranford@cheerful.com
  1063. Gregor Rapprich Economics 1996 Gregor@Rapprich.freeserve.co.uk
  1064. Khalid Rashid PHYSICS 1984 khalid@webspan.net
    Working in the USA in the computing field for an investment bank - DLJ
  1065. Baris Ratanjee BA Computer Systems 1981 barecomp@compuserve.com
  1066. Alex Ratcliffe French & Linguistics 1987 alex_m_ratcliffe@hotmail.com
    In the process of becoming an accountant. Married to Graham Coles TPBS 1996. Would like to hear from people.
  1067. Ian Rattray MSc Computer Studies 1997 IRattray@img.seagatesoftware.com
    Software Developer, Seagate Software Ltd, Ipswich, Suffolk
  1068. Rajakulasingam Raviraj (Ravi) BSc(computer and coms), MSc (Telematics), Phd (adaptive speech coding for ISLANs) 1981, 1986, 1990 rr@bnr.co.uk
    I did my Phd work with Dr E V Jones in the digital transmission and optical network group
  1069. Daniel Ray Modern languages and Linguistics 1995 rdstmln@ioe.ac.uk
  1070. Roger Raymond Government 1994 r.h.raymond@lse.ac.uk
    The Information Officer 1994/5 (and the man who re-vitalised our student newspaper) "returns to burn!". Now completing an MSc at another prestigious University
  1071. Chris Rayner Electronic Engineering 1987 chris_rayner@btinternet.com
    Working for an investment bank in London, married and living in Northampton. Looking for old friends from the ESE Dept '87. Any budding pilots out there who want to go for spin, get in touch !
  1072. Simon Redhead BSc Physics 1987 simon.redhead@roke.co.uk
    Works for Roke Manor Research, Romsey
  1073. Mark Reeder Computer Science 1972 Mark.Reeder@reuters.com
    Weekly commute from Stockport to London. Melissa b. 1990 James b 1992 - make life worthwhile :-}
  1074. Jan Rees Cell & Molecular Biology 1987 ReesJ@logica.com
  1075. Jerry Reid Mathematics 1970, Computer Science 1985 jerry@essex.ac.uk
  1076. Li Renzhi Linguistics and Applied Ling. 1986 rzli@mailserv.stu.edu.cn
    Essex is a nice place. I miss it very much.
  1077. Eugenia Bonilla Restrepo LLM International Human Rights Law 1998 ebonil@hotmail.com
    Judge, San Jose, Costa Rica
  1078. Barry Reynolds Mathmatics and Computing 1982 BReyno007@aol.com
    Living the high life in Berkshire.
  1079. Josie Reznik International Human Rights Law 1987 psu04884@odin.cc.pdx.edu
  1080. W. Augustus (Gus) Richardson Social History 1978 war@hrlaw.net
    lawyer;in Halifax, Canada; 3 children and a mortgage
  1081. Dave Riches B.Sc. Computer and Microprocessor Engineering, M.Sc. Telematics 1982, 1983 dave_riches@nt.com
    Now working for Nortel (Northern Telecom)
  1082. Claudia Awoodun, nee Richter European Studies with French and German 1997 cawoodun@abrsm.ac.uk
    Married Reeza Awoodun on 14 August 1999, now living in Rainham, Kent
  1083. Ian Rickson BA English & European Literature 1985 royalcourt@cityscape.co.uk
    Artistic Director, Royal Court Theatre, St Martin's Lane, London WC2N 4BG
  1084. Nicholas Riding BA Government 1974 N.C.Riding@ukc.ac.uk
  1085. Antonio A. Rios-Vazquez Telecommunications 1984 arios@infosel.net.mx
    I want to be in touch with the University and friends
  1086. Wendy Ritherdon Government & Politics 1997 w.ritherdon@dial.pipex.com
    Now working in Human Resources at Anglia Polytechnic University
  1087. Juan Jose Rivas-Soberon MA Accounting & Financial Management 1992 MXPLCEJRSI@CIZ-MEXICO.COM.MX
    Analysis Manager, Corporate Entertainment Division, Corporacion Interamericana de Entrete Nimiento
  1088. Pam Roach law 1990 pam@roachacres.freeserve.co.uk
    anybody out there? i'm busy mis-spending my second youth, (divorced last year) and working as quality assurance and insurance manager for an environmental services company (yes, bin lorries!) oh the glamour....
  1089. Caroline Roberts BSc Biology 1991 caroline.roberts@Kcl.ac.uk
    Post Doctoral Research Assistant, Dept of Medicine, KCL
  1090. Nigel Roberts Computer Science 1980 nigel@roberts.co.uk
  1091. Nigel S Roberts Government 1970 Nigel.Roberts@vuw.ac.nz
    Associate Professor/Reader in Politics, Victoria University of Wellington NZ
  1092. Tim Roberts Computer Systems 1974 tjr@hwfisher.co.uk
    Still playing with my train set!
  1093. Mark Robertson Sociology 1972 mark@ip.pt
    I went on to take Law, and qualified as a solicitor. I have been in Portugal since 1987, where I work as a legal translator. I am currently writing a Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese Encyclopedic Law Dictionary in a joint venture with the Ministry of Science. Is anyone out there? Helen Cramer? Pete Shore? Keith Tribe? Sue Oppenheim? Maggie Pobertson?
  1094. Paul Robertson Computing Science 1980 probertson@acm.org
    Looking for Hikaru Ogawa (Linguistics '78).
  1095. Richard Robey Electronics 1988 rr@richyr.demon.co.uk
  1096. Jim Robinson BSc Environmental Biology 1996 J.I.Robinson@ukc.ac.uk
    Research Assistant in Fungal Ecology at University of Kent
  1097. John Robinson MSc Telecoms, PhD ESE 1982, 1985 john@engr.mun.ca
  1098. Susannah Robson US Studies 1992 susannah.robson@bbc.co.uk
  1099. Leonardo Bichara Rocha MSc International Economics 1999 lbroch@essex.ac.uk
    Doing a PhD at Essex
  1100. Gaetan Cecil Roche BSc Computer and Microprocessor Engineering 1983 cecil@sp.ac.sg.
  1101. Melanie Rogers BSc Biological and Medicinal Chemistry 1989 uchmr@gemini.oscs.montana.edu
  1102. Michelle Rogerson Sociology 1996 mich@essex.ac.uk
    Responsible for user analysis and NESSTAR project administration
  1103. Edgar Odio Rohrmoser Latin American Government 1992 zmzlaw@sol.racsa.co.cr
  1104. Keith Rose Economics 1983 krose@britannic.com
    Working in London for international freight company
  1105. Nicholas Rosenberg BSc Telecommunications Engineering 1974 roseberg@dial.pipex.com
    Lives in Sussex. Welcomes contact from contemporaries.
  1106. David Rowlinson Applied Physics 1974 AnneRowl@aol.com
  1107. Thomas Rowney BA Economics 1978 Rowneyt@ccmail.orst.edu
    Professional Football coach Oregon State University, also operates soccer education services for clubs and associations.
  1108. George Rozis Biology 1998 geo1001@hotmail.com
    Bloke in the blue coat, blonde hair and large left thumb, please get in touch.
  1109. Rueda Sousa Jorge Ma in Economics 1992 icoafb@pophost.eunet.be
  1110. Brian Runagle Electronics 1974 brian@runagle.freeserve.co.uk
    Greetings to all survivors of a bygone age!
  1111. Peter Ruscoe BA Computing Science 1970 PRuscoe@AOL.com
  1112. Abdelkader Sabil Cross Cultural Studies 1987 sabil@open.net.ma; abdelkaders@hotmail.com
    Prsently, Lecturer at Chouaib Doukkali University, Department of English, Eljadida, Morocco.
  1113. Dr. Ghassan Saed Biochemistry 1986 G.Saed@wayne.edu
    Looking to here from old freinds
  1114. Jon Saffron Computer Science 1995 jon@saffron-net.demon.co.uk
  1115. Kingsley Sage MSc Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems 1990 stoat.records@mistral.co.uk
    Senior Scientific Officer, Sussex
  1116. Kamil Sahin Electronics Systems Engineering 1990 kamil.sahin@bggrc.co.uk
    Working for British Gas R&T since Graduation
  1117. Rumi Sakamoto MA in political theory 1991 sakarg@essex.ac.uk
  1118. Rene Salgado MA Latin American Government & Politics 1978 rbsalgado@hotmail.com
  1119. Paul V Salt BA Sociology 1972 yumo@dial.pipex.com
  1120. Apostolos Samoudis BSc Agriculture 1992 lapa@compulink.gr
  1121. Victor Dugga Samson MA Literature 1996 samson@unijos.edu.ng
  1122. Jose Ignacio Peralta Sanchez MA in Economics 1997 iperalta@banxico.org.mx
    Banco de Mexico
  1123. Joel Sanchez-Hernandez INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 1996 joel.sanchez.hernandez@mx.arthurandersen.com
    Working for the Transfer Pricing Division of Arthur Andersen Co. in Mexico
  1124. Ana Monzo Sancho Language & Linguistics 1994-95 ERASMUS anamonzo@ctv.es
    Living in Spain and still missing youn.
  1125. Paul Sandar Philosophy and Government 1991 sandarspaul@hotmail.com
    Chair of the Birmingham branch of the European Movement; Freelance Training Consultant. Board Member of the Greets Green Regeneration Partnership - the New Deal for Communities initiative with the countries largest Government grant of £56 million
  1126. Malcolm Sanderson Chemistry 1971 mgsand@netcomuk.co.uk
  1127. Michael Sapsed Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 sapsed@kbss.bt.co.uk
  1128. Sarantopoulos Petros M.Sc Electronic Systems Eng 1990 Petros.Sarnatopoulos@siemens.gr
  1129. Antonio Sárez M.A. Government 1994 ansuarez31@hotmail.com
    I want to know if somebody there remember me
  1130. Simon Sarkar Government 1992 spindoc@epulse.net
    Currently studying for an MSc in Marketing at UMIST
  1131. Anil Sarpal BSc Physics 1995 sarapal@phymat.bham.ac.uk
  1132. Nilufer Sarvan MSc Telecommunication and Information Systems 1997 nsarva@essex.ac.uk
    Research Officer, ESE Dept, University of Essex
  1133. Paul David Sawyer Electronic Engineering 1985 pdsawyer@flash.net
  1134. Nici Schraudolph Computer Science 1988 nici@evotec.de
  1135. J Otto Schreibke Computing Science 1972 oschreibke@active.ch
    Working for Solution Wizard GmbH as managing director, consultant, chief cook and bottlewasher... (Ah, the joys of working for oneself). Still living in Switzerland, just outside Zurich.
  1136. Ralf Schuh BEng Electronic Engineering,(Telecommunications) MSc Electronic Engineering, (Optical Electronics) 1992, 1993 schuh@Fokus.gmd.de
    Research Officer, GMD-FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
  1137. Jacqueline Schumann BA Government and Sociology 1988 info@foe.co.uk
    Volunteer at FoEarth, helping on the Information Team
  1138. Siew Lin Schwass MA Applied Linguistics 1976 schwass@bluewin.ch
    Living in Switzerland would love to hear from classmates who remember her.
  1139. Carolyn Jean ScottPhilosophy 1989 scottcj@essex.ac.uk
    Currently working in the Admissions Office at the University
  1140. Dawn Midwinter (nee Scott) Maths & Statistics 1991 dawnmidwinter@hotmail.com
    Part time MSc in applied Stats at Reading (1996-8). Married in August '99.
  1141. Edward Scott English Language and Linguistics 1998 edward@broadcast.net
    Mobile: 07956 524610. I am now working for Channel Five's Creative Services Department where I am making the traliers for their programmes. Since I graduated from Essex I've been busy working for Live TV and more recently Talk Radio as a producer.
  1142. Clare Scowcroft BA Accounting Finance & Economics 1991 real.clare@hotmail.com
    Full-time student, ACCA Professional Exams, West Midlands School of Accounting
  1143. Paul Seager BSc Psychology 1996 P.B.Seager@herts.ac.uk
    PhD, University of Hertfordshire
  1144. Dominique Searle Literature 1983/84 dsearle@gibnet.gi
    Back in Gibraltar
  1145. Tracy Sedman Accounts and Financial Management 1992 seddie@iboxtv.com
    Teaching in The Bahamas
  1146. Chim-Hock See BEng Computer and Communication 1993 atsenam@pc.jaring.my
  1147. Jasmeet Sehmi Accounting,Finance & Economics 1991 sehmi@bluewin.ch
  1148. Selormey, Ami Psychology 1998 ami@lesbo.com
    i am little, you all remember me with matt in the 3rd year
  1149. Ray Selway Electronic Engineering 1980 ray.selway@btinternet.com
    last time I was at Essex my daughter was 3mths old, this summer she will be teaching in China with Project Trust. Don't you just love life! enjoy . If its good it goes quick!
  1150. Chang Chiang Seng Computer Studies 1990 chacs@singnet.com.sg
  1151. Bhushan Sethi Accounting and Financial Management 1994 bhushansethi@hotmail.com
    Looking fwd to hearing from anyone who knows me
  1152. Peter J Sewell MSc - Electronic Systems Eng. 1989 peter.sewell@bn.cwplc.com
    Working for Cable & Wireless in Holborn. Living ON ? the Thames at Richmond .
  1153. Federico & Isabel Seyde MA & PhD in government 1988- 1991 fseyde@presidencia.gob.mx and iabad@anahuac.mx
    From mexico.We met so many people! federico working at the goverment and I am teaching law at the university in Mexico
  1154. Jonathan Seymour Accounting & Financial Management 1992 jonathan.seymour@liffe.com
    Living and working in London. Playing hockey for Hendon. Meeting up with Uni people 1st Thursday of each month.
  1155. Hitesh Shah industrial and environmental chemistry 1993 h.shah@lboro.ac.uk
  1156. David Sharp BA Government 1998 jobs@dit-tech.com
    Employed by Direct Computer Training, London
  1157. Daniel Shaw BA Hons Economics 1993 Daniel.Shaw@BT.com
    Calling anyone who remembers Sunday mornings in Avon Way Bar with Sue serving
  1158. Rowland Shaw Computer Science (Software Engineering) 1999 rowland@beer.com
    Choose life... choose Essex University...
  1159. Selina Stern Shaw Economics 1975 shaw@marlborough.com
  1160. Will Shaw Opto-Electronics 1975 shaw@marlborough.com
  1161. Siow Ching Sheong Communication Software Management 1994 siowcs@merlion.singnet.com.sg
  1162. David Sheeran BSc Electronic Engineering 1988 dave_sheeran@pickering.co.uk
  1163. Greg Sheldon Computer Science 1990 greg@shldn.freeserve.co.uk
  1164. Russell Sheldon Information Business Systems Technology 1995 russell.sheldon@uk.pwcglobal.com
    I am the Application Services Technology Leader in Europe for PricewaterhouseCoopers
  1165. Antony John Shepherd BSc Computer Science 1993 dop@btinternet.com
    Now an internet/linux dude for a company in the City....
  1166. Graeme Sherman Chemistry 1979 gs@dial.pipex.com
  1167. Alpha O. Sheriff Sociology(MA) 1994 asheriff@unf.edu
    Since graduating from Essex, I did a Ph.D from Kansas State University; now an assistant professor at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville.
  1168. Baohui Shi Descriptive Linguistics 1988 shbh@beilin.bjfu.edu.cn
    Currently Professor of English and Linguistics, Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages at Beijing Forestry University.
  1169. Duncan Shipley-Dalton Law 1993 dsd@globalnet.co.uk
    i did qualify and I am now a Barrister in Northern Ireland.
  1170. Alan Shrives IKBS 1989 alans@redac.co.uk
  1171. Kamal Sibai IBST 1993 kamal.sibai@dubai.ncr.com
  1172. Abdul Ahad Siddiqi Artificial Intelligence 1998 aas2@kiit.edu.pk
    I got my Ph.D and now working for the post of Assistant Professor at Karachi Institute of Information Technology (KIIT), Karachi, Pakistan.
  1173. Siew Lin Schwass MA Applied Linguistics 1976 schwass@bluewin.ch
    Living in Switzerland would love to hear from classmates who remember her.
  1174. Juhani Siira LL.M. in European Community Law 1993 juhani.siira@pp.netppl.fi
  1175. Christina Silver BA (Hons.) Politics & Sociology 1997 scm2cs@surrey.ac.uk, Chris2Stu@aol.com
    I'm now at Surrey doing an MSc in Social Research Methods
  1176. Georgina Clare Simmonds Modern Languages and Linguistics - French and Spanish 1990 me437@ist2.co.umist.ac.uk
  1177. Martin Simmons BA Economics 1991 MLS@asdlondon.dss-asd.gov.uk
    Economic Adviser, Social Security, Government Dept
  1178. Deborah Leigh Simonton PhD History 1988 d.l.simonton@abdn.ac.uk
  1179. Martin Geoffrey Simpson Computing & Communications Engineering 1974 msimpson@homer.demon.co.uk
    working for an IT support/consultantcy firm
  1180. Gurbinder Singh MSc Computer Studies 1988 GURBINDER.SINGH@ARCADIAGROUP.CO.UK
    Computer Contractor, for his own computer company
  1181. Riten Singh BA Economics 1993 riten.singh@csfb.com
    Finished an MSc in Computing & Management at Cranfield in 1994. Now in my 3rd job as VP at CSFB strategically managing web development.
  1182. Jeyarajah Sinnadurai 1981 duraija@epo.gov.on.ca
    I did M. Sc Numerical Analysis 79 - 1980. I am presently living in Canada
  1183. Paul Skarbek Laser Physics 1988 paul.skarbek@warnermusic
    Career/Marriage/Children/Mortgage. A big hi to those I remember (and remember me) before these things took over my life.
  1184. Ian Skillicorn Language Studies 1990 Ian.Skillicorn@rcplondon.ac.uk
    back in England after six months translating in Italy. Now in London. Would love to hear from anyone who knows me, especially Walter Simpson, Lucy Lloyd and Cynthia Van Veen
  1185. Sotiris Sklavounos MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1994 SCLAV@exmail.panafon.gr
  1186. Keith Slater BA History & Sociology 1998 kwslater@aol.com
    Administrative Officer, Employment Service, Sudbury Job Centre
  1187. Robert Slater ESE B.Eng Telecoms 1996 rslater@tertio.co.uk
    Class of 1996, what a good year that was...
  1188. Michael David Slaughter Computer Science 1973 m.slaughter@uea.ac.uk
  1189. Carol Small Economics 1977 carol@dcs.bbk.ac.uk
  1190. Karen Small BA European Studies, MA Russian Politics 1997 sstkrs@hotmail.com
    Currently doing PhD on the role of the Russian Army in Foreign and Security Policy, at Staffordshire University, living in Liverpool
  1191. Jason Smallman BEng Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 jasonsmallman@compuserve.com
    Working for BT in the North East of England
  1192. Alexandra Smith BA European Studies 1995 alexandr@ms.com
    What can I say? Still drinking, still smoking (despite many attempts to the contrary) and still paying for 4yrs of fun at Essex!
  1193. Anne Granville Smith Applied Physics 1974 AnneRowl@aol.com
  1194. Jeremy D. Smith Computing Science 1991 jeremy.d.smith@bigfoot.com
  1195. Jonathan M. Smith Art History and Theory 1982 jms@wlink.ne
    I am currently IT Co-ordinator at Golden Lake School, Guangzhou.
  1196. Michael "Geordie" Smith Philosophy & Government 1990 MSSmith@magpie.freeserve.co.uk
    Immigration lawyer in Sheffield (ho-hum)
  1197. Philip John Smith Economics 1986 Philip_J_Smith@msn.com
    Accounting in Cheshire
  1198. Philippa Smith English & European Literature 1983 pippa.smith@lse.ac.uk
  1199. Robin James Smith Computer Science with French 1995 robin@twguk.com
  1200. Vicky Smith Sociology 1997 mark@isometric.freeserve.com
    Now a Commissioning Editor in London (and still with Mark!) Frankie where are you??!! Any of Rayleigh 6, '94 around? - Paul? :)
  1201. Brigid Hutchinson Latin American Studies 1988 Brigid.Hutchinson@ssmb.com
    Currently working as an Analyst Developer at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in London
  1202. Martin Snasdell Philosophy 1987 martin.snasdell@tvu.ac.uk
    Droppe dout Oct 1987. Poet and narcotics afficianado. Founder member of the Club Des Hashischin. Published a book of verse in 1993, entitled "Hashischin Hedonist". Currently working at Thmaes Valley University in a non-academic capacity. Any alumni willing to support poetry career please mail me with offers of cash, as a dropout with no degree is not wealthy
  1203. Stephen Sobol Economics and Government 1975 s.sobol@tasc.ac.uk
  1204. Se Ahn Song Ph.D. Physics 1989 sasong@sait.samsung.co.kr
    The first Korean Ph.D. born at Essex
  1205. Wenwei Song Applied Linguistics 1986 song@lvc.edu or wwsong@nju.edu.cn
    Wish one day will meet some of the friends on the course
  1206. Enrique Sotto Computers and Business 1994 76414.1454@compuserve.com
    currently based in Madrid, Spain
  1207. Nicholas Souris MA Accounting & Financial Management 1996 sournik@hol.gr
    Spot Thompson, Athens, Greece
  1208. Jorge Rueda Sousa MA in Economics 1992 coafb@coafb.eunet.be
  1209. Bill Sparrow Computer Systems1974 bsparrow@cix.compulink.co.uk
  1210. James Spence MA Political Behaviour 1970 100531.1774@compuserve.com
    Budgets Committee, European Parliament, Brussels
  1211. Gareth Spencer Physics (well sort of) 1994, 1995, 1996 gazz@sibling.mechnet.liv.ac.uk
    Still in Colchester, working up at Severalls for Guardian Direct, ah well
  1212. Sarah Spencer BA Language & Linguistics 1996 sspencer@bankgesellschaft.de
    Bi-lingual Secretary, Bankgesellschaft, German Investment Bank
  1213. Phil Spiegelhalter Telecomms 1976 fillin@argonet.co.uk
    Christmas greetings to all friends via Web Page -esp. if we've lost your address!
  1214. Spiers-King Philosophy/Aesthetics 1992 louise.spiers-king@experian.com
    nee Spiers. Would very much enjoy hearing from people who remember me.
  1215. James Squirrell Accounting and Financial Management 1993 jas@mw.com.au
    Anyone remember me? Archery and RPG societies?
  1216. Andrew St.John-Brown Government 1979 astjohnb@metz.une.edu.au
  1217. John Stack Literature and Philosophy 1994 jstack@phaidon.com
    Editor in Contemporary Art Department at Phaidon Press, London
  1218. Alan Stanier Computer Science 1972, 1976 alan@essex.ac.uk
    Still at Essex, now working for the Computing Service.
  1219. Lydie Starkey Latin American Studies 1984 LdStarkey@aol.com
    Where in the world are you all now? E-mail me
  1220. Pataridis Stelios Electronic Engineering 1985 i4e3lis@compulink.gr
    still crazy after all these years
  1221. Rob Stead Politics and Sociology 1985 support@robstead.co.uk
  1222. Richard Hezlett Stephens Government 1988 100760,3031@compuserve.com
    Living in Pangbourne, Married 1996, baby due in may 1997.
  1223. Theodore Stergiou MSc Telecommunication and Information Systems 1999 esrua@eng.warwick.ac.uk
    Now at Warwick doing a PhD in Engineering
  1224. Tim Stevenson Applied Physics 1977 stevenson@csi.com
    Consultant to ESA, living in the Isle of Wight. Remembering UTO and URE with only minor cringes.
  1225. Christine Stirn Sociology 1975 adams.fam@btinternet.com
    Now in South Devon teaching Sociology, developing permaculture home with husband Paul, sons: ralph (15) and Dominic (12). Ex-Essex WWOOFers and self-caterers who enjoy cycling, birdwatching, protogroagy, wet and dry-surfing: e-mail us
  1226. George Streftaris Statistics & O.R. 1994 gst@maths.ed.ac.uk
    Studying for a PH.D. in the Deptartment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Edinburgh
  1227. Christina Strutt Computer Science BA 1973 cistrutt@ma.ultranet.com
    née Christina Catherasoo
  1228. Colin Strutt Computer Science BA 1972, PhD 1978 colin.strutt@lkg.dec.com
  1229. Bernard Sufrin Computing Science (M.Sc) 1969 sufrin@comlab.ox.ac.uk
    Fellow and Tutor in Computation, Worcester College, Oxford
  1230. Tim Summerfield Accountancy & Financial management 1991 tim.@summerfield.freeserve.co.uk
  1231. Andy Summersbey MSc Lasers and their Applications 1986 andysum@msn.com
  1232. Teik Heng Sun MSc Electronic Systems Engineering 1997 sunth.1350@tarc.edu.my
    Lecturer, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, School of Arts & Science, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  1233. Sheila Surender Law 1986 Mark.Armitage@amd.com
  1234. Gulia Taghiyeva Human Rights 1998 gtagi@hotmail.com; gtagi@isar.baku.az
    I'd be glad to hear from my former fellows
  1235. Ajeet Tailor Mathematics 1983 ajeettailor@yahoo.com
    In East Brunswick, NJ, USA
  1236. John Tait Computer Science 1976 John.Tait@sunderland.ac.uk
  1237. Chris Talbot IBST/MSc Diss 1993/1995 c.talbot@nfer.ac.uk
  1238. Michael Graham Talks MSc in the physics of laser communications 1995Current address 2 Minley Close, Farnborough GU14 9RT
  1239. Sandra Tam Biochemistry 1995 stam@essex.ac.uk
  1240. Jun Tan ESE 1992 j.tan@rl.ac.uk
  1241. Puay-Yong Tan BSc Electronic Engineering 1982 Puay-Yong Tan@mcdermott.com
  1242. Tzee Teck Tan MSc Network Management 1996 tzrr.teck@syseca-tsa.com.sg
    Senior Software Engineer, Syseca-Tsa, Computing Systems & Services, Singapore
  1243. Taner Gungor MSc in Telecommunication & Information Systems 1997 gungort@se.bel.alcatel.be
    Working for Alcatel Telecom as a Software Design Engineer, in the Intelligent Networks Department .
  1244. Steve Tanner Computing 92 steve.tanner@wto.org
    Dabbled in teaching but currently incarnated as IT trainer. Out in Geneva for the time being and having a blast ! Hoping to contact anyone that might remember me eg. Steve (Cooke), Tom, Julia, Tarquin, Angus maybe even Vik ?!?
  1245. Mark Lieven Marcel Tant MSc Cognitive NeuroPsychology 1996 m.l.m.tant@med.rug.nl
    Greetings. The Belgians went to the Netherlands. See you there.
  1246. Hassan Tavossi Physics 1973 hmt111@psu.edu
  1247. Anne Taylor MA Study of Contemporary Japan March 98 wisesky@channeli.net
    working in Seoul teaching English as a foreign language since July 98
  1248. Becky Taylor Literature & Art History Joint BA Hons 1994 rebecca.taylor@bbc.co.uk
    Just for the hell of it!!!
  1249. Christopher Paul Taylor BSc Computer Engineering 1975 ptaylor@real.com
    Program Manager, Real Networks who develop Real Audio and Real Video.
  1250. Graham Taylor BSc Cell & Molecular Biology 1994 gz@dna.bio.warwick.ac.uk
  1251. Ian Taylor History 1983 ian.w.taylor@talk21.com
  1252. Mark Taylor History 1996 markanddebbie@mrspeel.freeserve.co.uk
  1253. Mike Taylor Sociology 1969 miketaylor@smartchat.net.au
    Living in Sydney.
  1254. Paul Taylor Telecomm Engineering 1975 taylor.paul@dial.pipex.com
    Alive and well and living in Milton Keynes !
  1255. Olga Teftsi MSc Telecommunication & Information Systems 1994 teftsi@intrasoft.gr
  1256. See See Teh BEng Electronid Engineering 1998 sstel@eutechinst.com
  1257. Ioannis Tenidis MSc Telecommunications 1994 iten@intranet.gr
    Development Programmes Dept, Intracom. S.A.
  1258. Chee Hoi Teoh BS Com[puter Science with Mathematics 1996 Chteoh@hetmail.com
  1259. Marilina Termini LLM European Community 1998 mtermini@protec.it
    Corporate Lawyer, Pavia & Ansaldo, Law Firm, Padova, Italy
  1260. Mick Tesseras Chemistry 1970 mick.tess@cromwells-madhouse.co.uk
    If we've ever had a pint together let's have another! I live in North London.
  1261. Petra Thamm-Goode Politics and German 1987 robin.goode@hoskyns.co.uk
    Working in the City and living in Highgate
  1262. Wolfram G Theilemann MA History 1994 theinibe@sp.zrz.tu-Berlin.de
  1263. Gkouma Theoni BA English Language and Linguistics, MA Computational Linguistics 1998 year of BA graduation, 2000 year of MA graduation tgouma@essex.ac.uk
  1264. Tetsuya Tombe I.K.B.S. 1992 tombe@ari.bekkoame.ne.jp
    Advanced Systems Group/Dell Computer Japan
  1265. Janine Elise Toms (nee Thomas) BA Literature 1975 jaye@toms.enterprise-plc.com
  1266. Martin Thomas Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1982 saraht@hinge.mistral.co.uk or martin.thomas@aexp.com
  1267. Mohan Thomas Computer Science 1997 mohant@amdocs.com
    Working in Limassol, Cyprus (Mediterranean) for Amdocs
  1268. Philip Thomas Physics 1993 P.R.thomas@durham.ac.uk
  1269. Richard Thombs Computer Science 1989 rst@twiddles.demon.co.uk
    I miss MUD!
  1270. Gerald Barclay Thompson MA Sociology 1978 formatt@mistral.co.uk
  1271. Ken Thompson (and Joan) Computer + Communication Engineering 1972 jks.thompson@argonet.co.uk
  1272. Sarah Thompson BA Sociology & Social Policy 1994 Layla@forrester6.freeserve.co.uk
    marrying rob this year-10 years together get in touch if you remember me
  1273. Chin Choy Thoo Master Of Science 1995 ccthoo@singnet.com.sg
    'Thoo' is my surname/family name
  1274. James S Thurtell Computer and Communication Engineering 1982/3 thurtej@boat.bt.com
    Working with Intelligent Networks.
  1275. Julian H. Tice Economics 1992 phdjti@razor.wbs.warwick.ac.uk
  1276. Dave Tillett Computer Science 1972 D.A.Tillett@soton.ac.uk
  1277. Athos Tillyris BSc Computing Science 1980 ada@dial.cylink.com.cy
  1278. Andrew David Tingley BA Government MA West European Politics 1992 andrew_tingley@hotmail.com
    Resigned as an Immigration Officer after 5 years and is now travelling the world to recover!
  1279. Rudolf Tjandranimpuno BA Government 1991 rtjandra@sampoerna.co.id
    Anyone interested in Indonesia may contact me at the above e-mail add. /0818-113-823
  1280. John Tobin Computer and Microprocessor Systems 1989 John.Tobin@raycergraphics.com
    Working in Sunnyvale, Silicon Valley, techno-dweeby land, found some British pubs though...
  1281. Guat Yong Tock Computer Science 1991 guatyong@ncb.gov.sg
  1282. Tetsuya Tombe I.K.B.S. 1992 tombe@ari.bekkoame.or.jp
  1283. Jenny Curtis (née Tomlinson) Government 1982 jenny.curtis@dial.pipex.com
    Was Jenny Tomlinson until 1992.
  1284. Simon Tompson Government 1993 simon@surfsofa.demon.co.uk
  1285. Steve Tracey Mathematics 1967 st@acm.org
  1286. John Travis Government 1994 john@gecko-1.demon.co.uk
    Running my own catering company and still with Helen.
  1287. Jochen Tree History and Literature 1992 jochen@enterprise.net
    Currently teaching. From September will be returning to Colchester as Head of History at Thomas Lord Audley School.
  1288. Paul Treffner Artificial Intelligence 1985 p.treffner@mailbox.gu.edu.au
    I'm a lecturer at Griffith University on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia. I'm a lecturer in the area of motor control, neurobiology, and ecological psychology. After Essex, I did a PhD where I studied human perception, movement, and nonlinear dynamics. I do research on the nature of coordinated perception and action. I examine data collected from experiments on tasks such as postural control and balance, rhythmic movement (e.g., drumming), speech, and other movement phenomena. I spent some years working with another Northern Irish man, Prof Scott Kelso - one of the world's leading experts on human motor control. My wife Mira and I are at Griffith University in the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science enjoying Australian life. Best wishes to any who remember me!!
  1289. Jason Tribbeck Computer Science and Systems Architecture 1993 jason@argonet.co.uk
    I now work for an internet service provider, writing software, and making things work.
  1290. Tracy Yi-Chun Tsai Gallery Studies 1995 l.lin@mbs.bbk.ac.uk
    I am now a happy married woman living with my dearest husband Lin Lin, a Ph.D student in London Univ.. Welcome email me by sending the email to my husband's email address. Bye-Bye.
  1291. Dennis Tsang Poon Yin Computer Science 1994 tsangd@hknet.com
    I am currently working with the Standard Chartered Bank (Customer Banking Dept.)
  1292. Poppy Tsaprouni M.Sc. in International Economics 1998 ptsap@yahoo.com
  1293. C Tsourekas Beng Sys Engineering (TE) 1993 diasselo@cc.uoi.gr
  1294. Christine Marchant (née Tuffrey) English and North American Literature 1970 christine.marchant@tvu.ac.uk
    Would love to hear from anyone else who goes back to 1970
  1295. Sahr R Tumoe Telecommunications 1984 saaraikes@sierratel.sl
    Was Postgraduate Diplma Student in 1983/84. Currently Managing Director of Sierra Leone Telecommunications Company (sierratel), Freetown, Sierra Leone
  1296. Erkan Tuncay Economics and Government 1979 erkantuncay@lineone.net
    Director, Huron University, Istanbul, Turkey
  1297. Sarah Tuvey BA Economics 1986 Tuvey@msn.com
  1298. Terry Tysoe Mathematical Economics 1969 tysoe.terry@saugov.sa.gov.au
    Living in Adelaide, Australia
  1299. Delia Tzortzaki MA Gallery Studies 1992 del@fhw.gr
  1300. Stephen J Upham Electronic Engineering 1984 steve_upham@yahoo.com
    Now in San Jose, California
  1301. Oke Uwechue BSc. Electronic Engineering 1988 Vashan@aol.com
    Got my PhD(Synthetic Neural Networks) in Florida(1996), now consulting for AT&T in New Jersey. Cheers.
  1302. Suzie - Suzannah Vaill Bsc Maths,Operational Research and Economics. 1990 suzie@net.co.kr
    Still travelling!! Currently having fun in South Korea teaching English. Would love to hear from any old Essex chums.
  1303. Nikos Vainos MSc Lasers & their Applications, PhD Physics 1985, 1989 vainos@luce.iesl.forth.gr
  1304. Stefanos Vallianatos MA Western European Politics 1987 fhc.centre@hol.gr
    Dept of International Relations, Foundation for Hellenic Culture
  1305. Karolien Van Cauwelaert de Wyels MA Political Economy 1991 Karolien.VanCauwelaertDeWy@dsa.kuleuven.ac.be
  1306. Bie Vanlerberghe MA Human Rights Law 1991 Bie.Vanlerberghe@law.kuleuven.ac.be
  1307. Laurence Vaughan Government 1983 lvaughan@uk.newbridge.com
    Any of the old gang, please contact.
  1308. Antonio Alberto Rios Vazquez MSc Telecommunication Systems 1984 arios@disitem.com.mx
  1309. Anita Veitl International Relations 1994 anitaveitl@hotmail.com
  1310. Christian Vejen MA Economics 1984 christian.vejen@teliamail.dk
    Fixed Income Analyst, Alm Brank Bank
  1311. Eleni Vergou BA in English and European Literature (1997), MA in Literary Translation (1998-degree awarded 1999) vergou@dimitra.gr
    Currently working for a Greek humanitarian organization.
  1312. Michael John Verrier Literature and Music 1996 mjverr@essex.ac.uk
    Now PhD student in Literature
  1313. Phanuel B. Vilakati B.Sc Electronic Eng.(Telecomms) 1985 ac57@iafrica.sz
    Would like to hear from EE 1985 graduates.
  1314. Tony Vincent Computer and Communications Engineering 1981 t_v@cix.compulink.co.uk
    Worked for the BBC for 5 years, now an IT contractor.
  1315. Keith Vincett MSc Telecommunication Systems 1972 kvincett@nortelnetworks.com
  1316. Graham Vine Telecommunications Engineering 1973 vinegp@btlip14.bt.co.uk
    Working at BT Labs, Martlesham
  1317. Imran Virani BEng Electronic System Engineering 1992 Imranv@aol.com
    Get in touch guys!!! All those who bunked classes only!!! Hehehehe
  1318. Jorge Vivar-Mariscal MA International Relations (1996), BA Latin-American Studies (1995) 1996 javmariscal@usa.net
    After Essex: Madrid, Mexico, Washington, and now New York.
  1319. Susanne Hartmann Vivas MA in Art History and Theory 1994 hartsx@essex.ac.uk
    Currently finishing PhD at the University of Essex in Art History and Theory
  1320. Manousos Voloudakis MA Political Economy 1991 manousos@rusvar.netor.gr
    Currently working with a greek oil company trading in the former USSR
  1321. Angelika Voss Linguistics BA1982/MA1985 angelika@roberts.co.uk
    I'd love to hear from anyone who knew me!
  1322. Vicky Voyatzi BA Language & Linguistics 1997 rus7vvv@Leeds.ac.uk
    Postgraduate, Leeds University
  1323. Mike Wade Literature 1987 mwade@oxfam.org.uk
    Now living in Oxford and working for Oxfam, but I'd love to hear from any old frinds from Essex - especially anyone involved in the Green/Animal Rights/Vegetarian etc Socs. Still in touch with quite a lot of essex-ites, but what the hell happened to Jon Fletcher; Pete Jones; Will Wherity. Get in touch if you're out there! Cheers, Mike xx
  1324. Loo Chin Wah Telecommunications 1995 lcw%ples%pl@singtel.com
  1325. Zahara Abd Wahab MA Sociology of Development 1996 zab@pkrisc.cc.ukm.my
    Univ. of Essex...a history in my life!
  1326. Lu'ay Wahsheh Computer Science 1994 luay@cs.sfasu.edu
  1327. Jonathan Waland IBST 1995 walaj@abstruse.demon.co.uk
    Now working as a graduate engineer for Vodafone Ltd. Check out the Web page for IBST'95
  1328. Chris Wall Latin American Studies 1979 chris@conesul.demon.co.uk
    Lived in Brazil for a few years, and my wife is Brazilian. Now I work for myself, carrying out market reseach in Brazil for UK countries - so I travel to Brazil every three months or so.
  1329. Alex Walker Economics 1988 alex4@btinternet.com
  1330. Lee Walker Physics 1997 mail@leewalker.fsnet.co.uk
    Chairman of the University of Essex Conservative Association 1996/97
  1331. Phil Walker Economics 1990 100637.674@compuserve.com
    Running own business, bought the house, now looking for the right woman to share it with.
  1332. Bryan Walls Computer Science 1988 bryan@essex.ac.uk
  1333. Qingxian Wang MSc Computer Science/Software Engineering Methods 1997 Qingxian.Wang@JPKenny.com
    Senior Engineer, JP Kenny Ltd, Staines
  1334. Qingxian Wang MSc Computer Science 1997 QINGIAN.WANG@JPKENNY.COM
    Senior Engineer, JP Kenny Ltd, Staines, Surrey
  1335. Eduardo W. Wanick Physics 1978 Eduardo.W.Wanick@bra.dupont.com
    Physics, 1978. Currently living in Brazil ( Working as President of Dupont Brazil )
  1336. Robert James Warburton Biological Chemistry 1981 rwarburt@shepherd.wvnet.edu
    I've been in the U.S. for 14 years now, I'm married and have two kids. Working as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry since 1993.
  1337. Christopher O. Ward Ph.D. Comp. Sci. 1996 wardcf@centre.uwi.tt
  1338. Graham John Ward Electronic Engineering Science 1976 100601.1335@compuserve.com
  1339. Ward, Ken Comparative Studies, literature 1969 wardk3@aol.com
    I/ve mostly been a bus driver till the scumbags privatised it.
  1340. David Wardell BEng ESE 1996 david.wardell@vf.vodafone.co.uk
    Now a Senior Engineer at Vodafone
  1341. Joshua Warren BEng Electronic Engineering 1990 joshuaw@climatechangersoftware.co.uk
    Director and General Manager of his own Software Constancy business in Eight Ash Green, Colchester, and employs a number of Essex graduates
  1342. Ian Watson Biology 1981 i.d.watson@surveying.salford.ac.uk
  1343. James C Watson Government & Politics 1992 watson@net.co.kr
    I'm currently teaching English in South Korea.
  1344. Robert (Bob) Watson M.A., American Poetry 1972 watson@1000Island.net
    To the students in Herbie's MA pgm of 71-72, a fond 'hello'.
  1345. Robert J Watson Electronic Systems Engineering 1996 (Ph.D), 1992 (B.Eng) R.J.Watson@bath.ac.uk
    Finally left Essex after 9yrs. Now a lecturer in EE at Bath
  1346. Robert Watts BA Computing Science 1970 watts@bluewin.ch
  1347. Gary Waylen Economics 1981 gwaylen@35sys.co.uk
  1348. Martin Weatherilt Microprocessor & Computer Systems 1982 martinw@netcologne.de
  1349. Nick Webb BSc Comp Sci / MSc Comp Sci 1995/96 webbnw@essex.ac.uk
    Now Research Officer and p/t PhD Student - destined never to leave...
  1350. Paul Webb BSc Cell + Molecular Biology 1996 prw655@bham.ac.uk
  1351. Robert Wederquist update contact info please 1995, Literature robert@wederquist.com
    Back in the States, working at a dot-com in Portland. Hope to visit the old uni soon.
  1352. Mr.Vielson Wei-Seng, LEOW Accounting and Finance 1999 JULY wsvleo@essex.ac.uk
    Further improvement is always a must.
  1353. Lizzy Welby BA English Literature 1988 lizzy.bruno@nf.sympatico.ca
    Living in Canada with husband, baby Thomas, Second baby due in October
  1354. Andrew Wells BSc Mathematics 1987 andrew.wells@colonialfs.co.uk, andrew@wellinghall.force9.co.uk
    Assistant Actuary, Colonial Financial Services (UK) Ltd, Kent
  1355. Allan Welsby BA Economics 1980 allan@netreach.net
  1356. Antony Westbury Chemistry 1987 antony@j-network.com
    Relocated to Snowdonia area after eight years living/working in Japan. Now running own Japanese technical translation company.
  1357. Helen Weston Language and Linguistics 1985 santiago@virgin.net
  1358. Martin Robert Westwood Computer Science 1995 mwestwood@saegroup.com
    Still spodding on the Internet, but I'm now being payed for it.
  1359. John Whalley BA Economics 1968 whalley@sscl.uwo.ca
  1360. Adrian Wheal MSc Computer Science 1978 A.S.Wheal@cant.ac.uk
    Lecturer, Dept of Computer Science (1978-1985,1992-93)
  1361. Robert White Economics 1971 WHITELOG@COMPUSERVE.COM
    At home in Massachusetts USA
  1362. Simon Whittle Environmental Biology 1988 whittlesimon@yahoo.co.uk
    Now married with two ginger toms (cats) and living in a village near Stansted Airport, running an outdoor advertising company
  1363. Victoria Wicks PhD Physics 1993 wicks@springer.de
  1364. Leopoldo Wigdorsky PhD Language & Linguistics 1978 wigdorsk@iusanet.cl
  1365. Christopher J Wigley Philosophy & Literature 1984 chrisrtw@aol.com
  1366. Eric Wignall Comparative History 1986 wignall@calumet.purdue.edu
    Recently named Coordinator of Instructional Design at Purdue University Calumet
  1367. Richard Wilkinson BA Physics 1993 RWilkinson@ing.seagatesoftware.com
    Software Developer, Seagate Software Inc, Ipswich
  1368. Stuart Wilkinson English Language and Linguistics 1999 stuartwilkinson@email.com
    Now Secondary Teacher Training (2000/01) at Leicester University
  1369. Christopher Williams MA Theory & Practice of Human Rights 1996 lwcc@compuserve.com
    Director, International Law Research, Basildon, Essex
  1370. Emma Hiscocks neé Williams History 1995 emma@hiscocks.org.uk
    Now working for Marks and Spencer's in Baker Street. E-mails welcome
  1371. Gary Williams History 1991 Gary@zoo.ftech.co.uk
  1372. Geoff A. Williams Electronic Engineering 1970 (BA) and 1979(PhD) GeoffLFAUK@aol.com
    Interested in news of 1970 EES graduates
  1373. Sian Williams BA Literature (English and European) 1989 Sian.Williams@torbay.gov.uk
    An Arts graduate on the Web! Now living by the seaside in Devon after 4 years inland in Hertfordshire (NOT Huddersfield as stated in Square One - never been to Huddersfield. Is it nice?)
  1374. Pat Willis Government and Sociology 1993 pwillis@btinternet.com
  1375. Dave Willmore Mathematics 89 david.willmore@virgin.net
    Been ill with M.E. since graduating, anyone remember the 'Tawney 2' gang or the Charity Society? Love to hear from anyone!
  1376. Anna Elizabeth Wilson Biology 1994 AEW104@mercury.anglia.ac.uk
    Reproductive Biology Research Fellow, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge.
  1377. Alastair Wilson US Literature 1992 wilsonah@hotmail.com
    Working and living in London. Drop me a line!
  1378. Tim Wilson BA Economics 1979 tim.wilson@newton.co.uk
  1379. Adrian Winckles BEng Electronic Systems Engineering 1991 awinck@nortelnetworks.com
  1380. Ian Witham Computing 1976 ianwitham@compuserve.com
  1381. Michael P Wolfe Artificial Intelligence 1985 mwolfe@cybercom.net
    Currently working as a software consultant in the Boston area
  1382. Charles Nam Keck Wong BSc Electronic Engineering 1988 CHARLES-NK_WONG@HP.Singapore-om1.om.hp.com
    Market Development for Hewlett-Packard, South East Asia.
  1383. Doner Wong BA Economics , MA Financial and Business Economics 1994 donjofi@netvigator.com
    Anyone out there !!?
  1384. Jimmy Wong Computer and Microprocessor Engineering 1987 jimmyw@sems.com
  1385. Kenneth Wong Computer Science 1991 ke_wong@ctimail.com
  1386. Wong Keh Yem Accounting, Finance & Economics 1991 adeline@pacific.net.sg
    I am working in Singapore now, where are all my friends?
  1387. Kenneth Wong Computer Science 1991 kenneth_HY_wong@hkma.gov.hk
    Please send me a mail if you know me ?
  1388. Lai Wa Wong Postgraduate Dip in Sociology 1988 adowlw@nus.edu.sg
  1389. Wong, Lian-Aik Applied linguistics 1976 elpwla@leonis.nus.sg
    I would like to be included in the list of alumni for Essex. I am proud to be an Essex alumnus. Currently, I am Director , Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore and a senior lecturer in the Centre. Hello to all my teachers and friends of 75-76 applied linguistics.
  1390. Mei Tak Wong psychology 1999 meimei@i-creation.fsnet.co.uk
  1391. Andrew Wood MA Philosophy 1986 woody3@netcomuk.co.uk
    Currently studying MSc Politics at Birkbeck College, Univ. London
  1392. Chris Wood Electronic Systems Engineering '91(Bsc) '92(Msc) gort@cix.compulink.co.uk
    Contract Software Developer (In between games on Quake...)
  1393. Kevin John Wood Electronic Engineering 1992 kevin_wood@g7bcs.demon.co.uk
    Drop me a mail!
  1394. Sean Wood Theoretical Physics 1989 sprwoods@rdg.ac.uk
    Where did it all go wrong? Would love to hear from any old faces!
  1395. Ivor Woodfield BSc Electronic Engineering (Computer and Communication) 1973 I.Woodfield@AUCKLAND.ac.nz
  1396. Richard Woods Computer Science 1971 rwoods@tiac.net
  1397. Adam Woodhall Government 1992 A.P.Woodhall@newcastle.ac.uk
  1398. Iain Woodrow Biological Chemistry BSc 1990, PhD 1995 iain@walawala.freeserve.co.uk
    Now working as a clinical biochemist for the NHS in the Tropic of Salford, planning next career move to give another opportunity to move somewhere with higher risk of sunstroke and insect-borne diesease. Also, married to Jane Byrne (Biological Cemistry BSC 87-90, PhD Chemistry 90-95). ANyone passing through drop one or both of us a line.
  1399. Toni Richard Woodward Environmental Biology BSc 1990 T.R.Woodward@bristol.ac.uk
    I am now working for Bristol University in the Eye Bank.
  1400. Peter T Woolley IBST 1993 woollep@lishirl1.li.co.uk
    Now working as a software engineer for LucasVarity in Shirley, Birmingham.
  1401. Wei Yuann Woon BSc Computer Science 1991 weiyuann@tp.ac.sg
    Lecturer, Temsek Polytechnic, Singapore
  1402. Justin N Worsey Computer Science 1995 justin@clarice.demon.co.uk
  1403. Mike Worthy BSc Electronics 1979 mgw49@aol.com
    Working at Kvaerner, Warrington as Principal Instrument Engineer
  1404. Des Wright Literature 1970 tdwright@icaew.co.uk
  1405. Tom Wright Mathematics and Statistics 1996 TomosWright@compuserve.com
  1406. Tony Wright Program Linguistics 1972 twright@shl.com
  1407. Min-Yi Wu MSc Computer Science 1996 min@news.ntou.edu.tw
    Teaching Assistant, National Taiwan Ocean University
  1408. Mark Russell Wymer Philosophy and Government 1994 m.wymer@lse.ac.uk
    Now just finishing up an MSc at the LSE
  1409. Bernie Wynne Linguistics 1982 bernie.wynne@bt.com
    MSc Information Technology Kingston 1984. Currently in Computing Support with BT in London.
  1410. Peter Chee Weng alias 'Peter' Yang BA Economics 1979 pcwyang@tm.net.my
    Business consultancy with partners in Malaysia, China, Japan and the Middle East.
  1411. Yap Tzyy Haw Msc Computer Science 1996 yth@pacific.net.sg
    Fond memories of days in Essex, especially the people.
  1412. Roger Yates Computer Science 1990 ryates@cix.compulink.co.uk
  1413. Nana Yeboah-Amankwah Economics 1991 asomuah@castle.net
  1414. Georgina Bernadette Yendall sociology 1997 gyendall@genovar.co.uk
    Now road sweeping the street of Canterbury
  1415. Lui Sze Yin Patrick Accounting & Financial Management 1991 patrick_lui@ctimail.com
  1416. Manijeh Youhanaee PhD Language & Linguistics 1998 youhanae@math.ui.ac.ir
    Lecturer, Esfahan University, English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Iran
  1417. Robert York Physics 1994 robert@femto.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  1418. Patrick Yung Computing Science 1988 ycyung@hkstar.com
  1419. Zhongqiao Duan PhD Philosophy 1994 zqdyab@pku.edu.cn
    Professor Philosophy, Deputy Dean of the School of Marxism, Renmin University of China
  1420. Zheng Yong Law 1994 zheng1@law.harvard.edu
    Since graduation, I have been working for the Ministry of Justice of China (No 26 Nanheyan, Chaowai, Chaoyang District, 100020 Beijing, China).
  1421. Robert York PhD Physics 1994 robert@timelord.co.jp
    2 years at Univ. of Toyko , now working in Tokyo, JAPAN
  1422. Jo Youndok MSc Computer Science 1997 youndok.jo@unisys.com
    Senior Consultant, Unisys Korea Limited, Seoul, Korea
  1423. Carissa Young PhD Language & Linguistics 1996 elcyc@nus.edu.sg
    Surprise! Surprise! I'm currently a lecturer at the National University of Singapore. I teach postgrads research paper/thesis writing and presentations. Any old faces out there?
  1424. Zahara Binti Mustapha BSc(Hons) in Electronic Engineering 1982 zahara1@hotmail.com
  1425. Mahbub Zaman MA Accounting & Financial Management 1995 M.Zaman@aber.ac.uk
    Lecturer, Dept Acounting & Finance, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
  1426. Stefano John Zammattio physics 1996 stefano@arccores.com
    Still here....
  1427. Zannetides Michael MA Western European Politics 1979 kazan@logos.cy.net
    It seems like yesterday!
  1428. George Zarris MSc Physics of Laser Communication 1996 George.zarris@uce.ac.uk
  1429. Dimitris Zeginis MA Ideology & Discourse Analysis 1989 aeda@ath.forthnet.gr
  1430. Manor Zemer Law 1998 taronz@gezernet.co.il
  1431. Jose M. Zevallos Computer Studies 83 zevallos@gateway.net
    Graduate (Master) degree
  1432. Kaleel Zibe Computer Science 1991 Zebidee@CityScape.co.uk
  1433. George Zotos BSc Computer Science 1991 picard@hol.gr
  1434. Peter Zourdoumis LLB Law 1992 petros@sparknet.gr

Last modified by Alan Stanier, 21 July 2000

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