1. In accordance with the authority provided by the reference, the Interoperability Policy and Test Panel (IPTP) has reviewed and concurs with your request for an Interim Authority to Operate (IATO) with respect to the Electronic Wahl System Digital (EWSD) Switch. Concurrence of this IATO is based upon the mission essential need in providing telephone service to the military community in the greater Mannheim, Germany area. 2. The IPTP Chairman concurs with the recommendations of the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) and the IPTP members, and grants an IATO for use of the EWSD Switch at the 5th Signal Command and other military organizations. Operational switches will remain in place and the SIEMEN switches will be run through a concurrent test by The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC). Certification testing for software Release 18 is scheduled for completion in March 2001. This IATO is effective beginning 16 January 2001 and expires on 16 January 2002. 3. The JITC point of contact is Ms. Teena M. Holt, DSN 354-2687, Commercial (301) 744-2687, Fax (301) 744-2688 or email address: holtt@ncr.disa.mil.